How to run if fat?



  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Great replies above.

    Take it slowly - literally. Walk then run. Or start off running, then walk the rest of the way. Over time, you'll find you're able to run further before you have to walk. :smile:
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    dazwan wrote: »
    Considering all the people saying walk don't run, would the OP be better off starting by maybe swimming until the weight comes down?

    Or possibly listen to the runners saying that it's possible, but approach with caution?

  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    edited November 2014
    Work on it. Once you've been in the practice of walking or doing some other cardio for an extended period of time, start mixing in a little running here & there.

    First figure out what is a fast walking pace for you. Brisk but doable - you are getting a good workout but are not worn out from it. Say its 4.0. Then alternate: 1 minute walking @ 4.0 and 1 minute running @ 4.5, or 30 seconds if 1 minute seems too much. Running does not have to be 'fast' according to anyone else's standard. Just a little faster than your walk rate. Alternate back and forth, 1 minute at a time. Then when you feel ready - whether its a week or a month - change something. Maybe 1 minute walking followed by 2 minutes running @4.5, or keep walking/running to 1 minute at a time but try 4.8.

    And some days when you're just walking - try 30-45 second sprints at a faster pace. I have built up to running longer duration @ 5.0 mph but will sometimes do short sprints at 6, and have even tried 7. (But that is VERY short.)
    riverq1 wrote: »
    I'm really fat, and was wondering f there were ways I can run longer distances without getting winded so fast?

  • vamaena
    vamaena Posts: 217 Member
    It's been said by other posters but you have to build up to it.
    I started running at 338lbs as a great way to incorporate cardio. I'm still really new to it but I can now run for 5 mins, when I started a few months ago I could barely do 20 seconds. I love a walk/run combination. As my endurance builds I increase my run times.
  • ScottJTyler
    ScottJTyler Posts: 72 Member
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Walking (briskly) works, too. Heck, when I first starting getting serious about my fitness, I ran so slow (and such a short distance before stopping) that walking was faster (and I figure, burned better anyway). Even so, don't even worry about your speed. Focus on moving for at least XX amount of minutes at a pace that is both comfortable, but vigorous enough for you.

    Work up to it, if you want to be a runner. Jog for 1/2 a block, or whatever you can, then walk. Next time, try for the whole block. Rinse and repeat, increasing as you feel comfortable doing so.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    start out walking and let it gradually turn to a jog and then run. consistency is the key that is how I lost all my weight

  • ScottJTyler
    ScottJTyler Posts: 72 Member
    The force of 3 times your bodyweight goes through your ankle joint when you run. |If your bodyweight is very high then this puts a lot of load on your joints. Do something lower impact (rowing, swimming, cycling, weight training) until you are lighter so you can run safely.
  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    I just walked 30 mins a day 3 times a week and eventually one day I was walking so fast that I started jogging. I don't like to run at all so I continue to walk. some days are faster than others but as long as im getting some kind of exercise and not just sitting around eating all day im happy
  • d6melanie
    d6melanie Posts: 84 Member
    Outside of all the stuff with injury (which you should definitely account for) including walking into your running training is really important (even if you're not fat) because it helps train your heart.

    I'm sure you've heard the advice, "If you can't carry on a conversation when running then you need to slow down." I have found that if I use that as my baseline then I don't experience injury and over time I see improvements in my speed. And by speed I mean how long it takes me to finish a 5K. For me the "conversation" factor is a great gauge of healthy effort.