Cant find the motivation.. or energy to get going..

Hello My Name is D, i am at 300 pounds 5'7.. and im 19 years old. ive been over weight ever since i could remember ive never been an average weight. for about a month ive been trying to keep myself to eat healthier, ive cut out all the sugars i only drink water, hot green tea, i read labels, dinner i have portion of protein green etc, i eat small portions i have a snack or two. but the problem for me is when i should be eating these things.. i cant find a right eating schedule. the thing is i work a news paper route, im up at 12AM, home close to 7AM, im struggling to find the right sleeping schedule on top of that. i end up sleeping a nap before work, a nap after work, and its really turning my life upside down. so what im looking for is how should i have my meal schedule based on what time im up for the day. another thing is i cant find the energy to get up and do something, i keep planning im going to do my 30 minute exercise today, im going to ride my bike, im going to walk, and i never seem to get around to it. and at the end of the day when im trying to go to sleep i feel guilty for not taking those 30 minutes to do something.. please help me


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Hi D. Add me and I'll cheer you on!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    You don't need a set schedule for when to eat, meal timing is personal preference, find what works for you and your lifestyle and go with that. If that means 1 meal a day, 5 or however many, find what you can adhere to long term.

    For the exercise, in the beginning I scheduled it for myself just like I would an appointment.

    Don't count on motivation as that will come and go, you need to start developing good routines and habits that become part of what you do.

    Good luck to you, it is possible to make these changes I'm 5'6 and started at 285 lbs down to 170 now. Keep it simple, don't demonize any food groups, learn to eat in moderation, learn about portion control, and be consistent.
  • Add me D!! I will cheer you on! :D
  • andreavan28
    andreavan28 Posts: 90 Member
    I have a friend I go to the gym to on set days, and it is a huge help because there is no way for me to talk myself out of the exercise because she is counting on me to be there with her, also helps that I drive. Stop stressing so much over it, I yoyo dieted for many years always so gung ho from the start, and all it did was burn me out quick. I have not cut any of my normal foods out of my diet I still drink diet pop, eat carbs, sugar, not that this works for everyone... But i stopped being so hard on myself I ate only my calories allowed and started out with 1 trip to the gym a week with a fun treat (bowling, bingo) for after my achievement of making it to the gym (swimming was a huge part for me, fun and works your body out great). As for my eating schedule the only thing I really take care to keep track of is that I do not eat 2-3 hours before bed, you never wanna sleep on the full belly. Relax a bit and tell yourself you will get there, but it doesn't need to be tomorrow. I started myself March 24th of this year and it has taken me this long to lose 54lbs but I lost it.
  • redpandora56
    redpandora56 Posts: 289 Member
    i never feel like i want to exercise, so i tell myself to at least go put my workout clothes on, then see how i feel. then, once i'm dressed for it, i usually still don't want to but i think, well, how about just 5 minutes now that I've taken the time to change? And then once I've done 5 minutes, I figure - guess I'll stick it out now, why stop now that I've started! So - set yourself small goals - don't think of 30 minutes, think of 5, and you'll be more motivated to make that time. you'll feel better for it and sleep better too. I trick myself this way at least 4 times a week :)
  • thank you all for your replies :)
  • D, the best way to find the motovation to do it is to find and friend. But most importantly you have to find something that's also fun. Pretty much anything you do will burn calories so just watch the calorie intake and make sure you find something you enjoy on top of that!