wedding weight loss help!

I recently gained 35 pounds just by changing to a more sedentary job. I lost motivation and I want to lose 40 lbs before my wedding next september i need some major help! I quit smoking in august and seems i lost all of my energy after I quit.


  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited November 2014
    Not sure smoking gives you energy.
    Not sure sitting down makes you put on weight but the excess food that you eat over what you need will.

    So read the stickies on the forum to learn how to use MFP and how losing weight works.
    Work out how to fix an apporpriate deficit. with 35lb to lose 1lb a week would be ideal, thats 3500 calories of net diet or exercise a week 500 a day.
    Get the right mindset.
    Get some MFP friends if you feel you need support..
    Get used to weighing and logging all the food you consume. Very impt.
    Decide if you want to exercise and how much.
    Put your plan into action. Steady, sustainable, realistic, workable etc.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Wow - lots of great changes in your life - new job, quit smoking, getting married! Just log what you eat, get a step tracking device (fitbit, pedometer, fuel band or ups bracelet or any of the new ones) and log your activity. If you start today, you will be amazed at how just logging, being aware of what you eat and your activity level will help you manage both to get to your goal. I get the desk job debacle... trying standing up for 5 - 10 minutes every hour. Walk at lunch time, even if it is up and down stairs or the hallway. it helps, trust me. Remember every glass of water helps make your skin look great for the engagement and wedding photos... and you will have the added benefit of feeling great!
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Congrats on recognizing that you need to start now! I'm being serious, you have no idea the number of brides that come here 2 months before the wedding asking how to drop 20 or so pounds before the big day. Giving yourself time is the biggest key to success.

    Instead of me retyping all of this, here is a great guide to getting started:
  • digitalcanuck
    digitalcanuck Posts: 60 Member
    Good job for quitting smoking! I smoked for 30+ years and it is no easy task quitting. I am assuming you did not quit so that you could enjoy your wedding without craving nicotine, so why do you want to loose weight for your wedding? After your wedding will you be happy to going back to your present weight etc?

    IMHO a great strategy is to decide what changes you want to make to become healthier. If you are eating and exercising in order to help your body be strong and able, the natural by-product will be good health and healthy weight.

    I applaud your desire to change but if you want it to last, think about rethinking your lifestyle to benefit your overall health. Move more, eat better, sleep better, keep hydrated. Skinny people can be equally unhealthy as overweight people. If you dedicate the next 10 months to revamping your lifestyle choices you will be able to maintain a healthy body for the rest of your life, not just until after the wedding.

    Do lots of research and understand what your individual body needs to thrive. We are all different so there will not be a one size fits all answer for your particular body.

    Kudos for getting started and asking questions. I wish you well on your journey and your wedding.