Very confused! Need some friends and advice

Sld1108 Posts: 12 Member
edited November 2014 in Getting Started
So. I have always been Around 118 lbs never more maybe a little less. My issue was when my doctor took me off my birth control (used for medical purposes and hormone control) and I blew up 40+ lbs. never been SO depressed in my life. Anyways I begged and made them put me back because I hated how I looked and it was mainly because I was severely depressed and sick from no longer being on medication. I exercised and are clean only for two years only to gain weight. So once I got back on my depo I felt better and continued my eat clean exercise and lift daily (protein etc) I kept gaining weight not muscle. I honestly gave up. No exercise and been eating badly for the past six months and I've lost 14 lbs. (12 in two weeks!!) I look better which is nice but how is this possible? I'd rather continue exercising and eating healthy but my unhealthy lifestyle is making me skinnier which is not a complaint and by the day so I'm trying to get back to my 118 lbs! I'm attributing it probably to my hormones finally being stable again and probably why I'm dropping the weight fast becUse my body has never been above the 120s. However my doctor said another thing. Whenever I take meds that make you sleep I'm wide awake and when I take stimulate meds I fall asleep. Can my reverse reactions to every thing be a possible cause for why I am losing weight by not exercising and not eating well ? Also just cause depo usually causes weight gain and I'm the only one my doctors have seen lose weight and be thin by being on it. Any advice is greatly appreciated and maybe I just have a weird reverse system. Regardless how can I build muscle?ive tried every class and program and I can't build any anymore. Frustrating cause skinny is awesome but i would like to be toned! Thanks :)


  • Sld1108
    Sld1108 Posts: 12 Member
    Also to note ! I'm 148 at the moment. Not a good look. 30 lbs goal back to my 118 or even 128 so any help is so appreciated. Obviously the eat clean work out everyday didn't work for the past two years so there has to be something right?! Please tell me there is hope ! :)
  • cookmtn
    cookmtn Posts: 156 Member
    I have no experience with depo, but I will say this. Eating "clean" or eating "junk" doesn't matter as far as weight loss goes. Weigh your food on a kitchen scale, measure your liquids with calories, and stay in a caloric deficit. Eat how you want but track it. If you gain over several weeks, lower your calorie goal. ( this assumes you are tracking accurately) Read and reread the announcements at the top of the getting started and general weight loss help forums. Best of luck!
  • njmark72
    njmark72 Posts: 99 Member
    It doesn't matter what types of calories you are bringing in so long as you are burning more calories than you bring in.

    If you burn more calories than you bring in you will lose weight.
    If you eat more calories than you burn then you will gain weight.

    Medications can adjust your body's ability to burn calories so just be careful with your meds. Try cutting out some junk along the way and hopefully you will gain some more energy and won't find exercise so taxing.

    Eating clean is a joke. Its not about eating clean, you can eat all the clean foods you want but if you are taking in more calories than you burn (no matter how clean) you will gain weight.

    You'll get there, don't worry... You just need to work harder at it and eat less...

  • RSEC75
    RSEC75 Posts: 45 Member
    cookmtn wrote: »
    I have no experience with depo, but I will say this. Eating "clean" or eating "junk" doesn't matter as far as weight loss goes. Weigh your food on a kitchen scale, measure your liquids with calories, and stay in a caloric deficit. Eat how you want but track it. If you gain over several weeks, lower your calorie goal. ( this assumes you are tracking accurately) Read and reread the announcements at the top of the getting started and general weight loss help forums. Best of luck!


    Eating healthy but with a lot of calories (fruit can be really high in calories) will make you put on weight. In the reverse, while I try and eat more healthily than I used to, I find that weeks when I am lazy and eat more processed foods I still loose weight as long as I stick to my calorie goal.

    I try and eat more healthily than I used to, and stick to the calorie goal as well, but it's the calorie goal that makes me loose weight, not the healthy eating.
  • gwenbowers
    gwenbowers Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I understand your frustration and have been there myself! I think you need to shake things up a bit with your exercise routine, at least that's what worked for me. I'm in the process of organizing a fun fitness motivation group for ladies with specific goals in mind like yourself! Would you be interested? Are you on Facebook? If so, friend request me (Gwen Bowers)! I will also add you to my friend list on MFP site!
  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    It may be worth noting that carbohydrates affect hormones a little bit more then other calories. Maybe when you are on your stuff, the (bad) eating may just be you eating more carbs... Since carbs control a ton of hormones, it could just be balancing you out more?