Talk about the "weakest hours"...

I am generally a very healthy eater. I enjoy a wide variety of food, fruit/vegetables and occasional sweets. Most of time, I do not need to eat a larger portion and I stop eating when I am full. BUT, things look very different during my "weakest hours", namely between noon and 3PM. This is usually when work gets more difficult and I start to get anxious about the baby's crying. During my "weakest hours", I would want to eat to compensate the anxiety I am feeling. I would eat whatever I can find. Portion control is completely out of my mind.

I have been trying different way to battle this.

Does anyone have a "weakest hours"? How would you deal with it?


  • gabegrammy
    gabegrammy Posts: 147 Member
    My weekest moment is at work on Monday's. I work in a restaurant and monday is a very slow day. so I plan my meals every day. 3 meals and 2 snacks, as for snacks I take yogurt, whick I love. Then i get bored and want to eat everything bad. Fried food and sweets. I give in way to often. As last night , I had a reeses peanut butter pie. Why is only Mondays. I can't get out of it. I can't exercise or watch T.V. I can't stop it.
    I hope you get some good advice, cause I need it too.
  • FrankenBeanz
    FrankenBeanz Posts: 176 Member
    My "weakest hours" are from 5-6.30, when I first get home from work, My daughter wants a snack... Dinner won't be coming for a few hours and I want to eat a million cheese sandwiches...I try to sub it with a protein shake, sometimes it works, others I give in to the bread!
  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    3ish is my bad point too. I've found snacks that work for me and they're planned into my day. Dole Live Right Dark Chocolate bites really make me feel like I'm having a real cakey-treat. If I just want to snack non-stop a bit bowl of raspberries lets me just munch and munch and much.
  • TLWallperson
    TLWallperson Posts: 125
    My weakest moments come when I haven't been sleeping well. I crave processed sugar, carbs and unhealthy fat. Specifically anything that's not healthy. :tongue:
    So to avoide the dreaded binge I try to get enough sleep, at least 8 hours a night.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    My "hungry" hours (no, I'm not going to label myself as being weak for feeling hunger :wink: ) are in the evening, so I arrange my calorie intake so that I get to eat more in the evening.

    It's pretty common for people ti have a dip in energy during the afternoon. From what you're describing, it sounds like you're experiencing some emotional need to eat, but there could well be real physical hunger in there too, which complicates things. Why don't you plan your diary out so that you know you have x amount of calories to eat at 3pm, and see how that works for you? Pre-log a snack, and that might help to curb your need to eat uncontrollably.

    The other option (I'd actually recommend both simultaneously) is to find better ways to cope with your anxiety. Cognitive behaviour therapy can help with this (and there are lots of free resources on the web). Try to find ways to distract and/or soothe yourself. If it's possible, schedule a 10 minute break in your work and do something relaxing or fun. Also look into why you're getting anxious; why does work suddenly get intense then, and is there anything you can do to change that?
  • juliegrey1
    juliegrey1 Posts: 202 Member
    I find the best way to combat this is to not let yourself go hungry,eat every 3-4 hours and I know this is impossible for most people but if you could have a sleep even for 20 minutes it helps,we all dip at certain times!
  • hkmurphy83
    hkmurphy83 Posts: 262 Member
    Mine is whenever I get home from work. I am about 1 part truly hungry at that time and 500 parts bored. One of the best things I can do to battle it is to eat a string cheese and then go work out. Keeps me on track!
  • Nauz
    Nauz Posts: 3 Member
    My weakest hours are a few hours after dinner. I can only think of one thing and that's snacks. Fortunately i'm learning myself to choose for healthy snacks like yoghurt or fruits. :)

    I also find it very hard to keep eating healthy when I'm in company of others, because I want to eat what they're eating. That's the hardest thing for me, I just can't say no with all the tasty food in front of me... Does anyone have tips for this?

    Sometimes when I get hungry I want to make sure I'll not become hungry again so I will choose a big meal of unhealthy food like pizza, fries or pasta. Afterwards I feel stuffed and regretfull. This is so stupid... XD Don't know what to do about that either... yeah ofcourse not to become hungry, but sometimes my schedule is too messy, so it will happen anyway. :(

    But as long as I make sure my fridge is stuffed with lots of healthy foods it's much easier to keep going! :)
  • lisalucas666
    lisalucas666 Posts: 2 Member
    My weakest hours are on the night shift at work. It doesn't matter if I have eaten before I go to work or not, by the time 1am rolls around I'm starving. I end up eating snacks at odd hours and if I don't I'm even more exhausted and shaky. By morning, I still want breakfast before I go to bed. Night shift really mess up regular eating :( Also fruit on nights is awful ( you tend to get gassy).