What have you bought?



  • LazyCatPame
    LazyCatPame Posts: 112 Member
    - Food scale
    - Bathroom scale for my bathroom (there is already one in the house, but at mom's bathroom and it's awkward to walk to her bathroom every morning just to weight myself)
    - FitBit... not that necessary, but I need to see what I am burning to feel motivated into burning more.
    - And I'm getting a cellphone for Christmas. I only use the iPad with 3G, but it's impractical when I want to use the app (everyone sees what I do, and it's a general comment, not only because of this) or when I want to exercise out (never happens, but when it does it's weird to be wearing sports clothes and carrying an iPad).
  • ithrowconfetti
    ithrowconfetti Posts: 451 Member
    Digital weighing scale. Digital food scale. Good purchases, because both have been equally useful in getting me to lose and gain weight, after going too low. I don't regret buying "thermogenic herbs" like cayenne and ginger, and "detoxing" ones like apple cider vinegar, in the past, because I can now solidly confirm that they're 100% crap in "aiding" weight loss, and I will never make the same mistake again.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    • Activity Tracker - I love it. Looking at getting the newer model that comes out next year that will have a HRM sensor in it and be rated 5 ATM waterproof. It has helped me increase my daily activity level.
    • Food Scale - I really love knowing what a portion size is. I've also discovered you can't trust "single serving" packs to actually be a single serving.
    • Bathroom Scale - Not a nessecity but I love mine. I ended up finding one on Amazon, that gives you a BF% estimate, stores up to 30 weigh ins for each of the 8 profiles, data can be transferred from scale to pc via usb and a bit more for only $30. Can't beat that.
    • Measuring Tape - Cheap and helps me to see where I'm losing weight from.
    • Heart Rate Monitor - Helps me determine calories out. I currently subtract 20% from whatever calories it gives me, because I don't fully trust it.
    • Dumbbells - Don't have a gym membership, but I still need to get strength training in. I need to actually get a higher weight set, but I think I'm going to get a set of adjustable dumbbells.
    • Exercise DVD's - I know you can find workouts on youtube for free. I however like the few that I have paid for and don't regret spending the money.
    • Running App - I know you don't need an app for running. In fact you can find a few for free, but this particular app is perfect for me. What better way to get up and running then to feel like your being chased by a horde of flesh eating zombies. The story line is great and it makes running fun for me.
    • Workout Shoes - I'm constantly having to get new shoes. The amount of working out/walking/running/ect that I do now has me replacing them every 2-3 months.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    Digital food scale and a digital bathroom scale.
    Protein products (bars, powder)
    Fiber supplements (bars, powder)

    The scales and the Fitbit are certainly the things I would repurchase immediately if I ever lost/broke them. These gadgets are far too motivating by quantifying what I'm doing that I think I would feel lost without them.
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    edited November 2014
    I've bought a lot in the past 7 months
    • Better food scale, but I found it at the thrift store for $1
    • Bathroom scale that actually works
    • Workout clothes, I realized cotton t-shirts weren't always the best thing to wear, yay wicking!
    • Running shoes, this was not a very cheap buy
    • An exercise bike (brand new, $25 at the thrift store, best find ever!)
    • A stepper thing, $3 at the thrift store
    • Resistance Bands, $30. For the days I can't get to the gym and for traveling
    • HRM
    • Swimming suits, since I swim and my old one was way too big after a while
    • Swimming gear, since I never used to swim laps, nabbed a swim cap and goggles pretty cheap from Amazon
    • A few pairs of fairly expensive socks
    • Gym membership & physical trainer
    • My copay for doctor visits after I injured myself running
    • New clothing. Since I've lost 52 pounds thus far, I've bought a lot of "new" clothing at the thrift stores, and a few new pieces (like undergarments)

    Yes, I've spent a decent amount. No I didn't have to, but I shop around and had the money in my budget.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Most of the above - a boxing bag but best one for me is limb support thingys. I underestimated their usefulness. On sore (arthritis) days they help me through a workout which means mentally I feel salved too.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    I don't regret buying "thermogenic herbs" like cayenne and ginger, and "detoxing" ones like apple cider vinegar, in the past, because I can now solidly confirm that they're 100% crap in "aiding" weight loss, and I will never make the same mistake again.

    Hehe, sometimes you gotta make a few mistakes along the way to learn what works, eh? Maybe others in the forum can benefit from your learnings.

    Though I do quite like cayenne pepper on chicken or fish... but for the flavour, not for any purported "thermogenic" benefits. (What on earth does that even mean? Wait, no, don't answer that.)
  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    Not counting food, a pair of cheap running shoes (if I stick with it, I'll get fitted, etc . ), some headphones that stay on when working out, an exercise mat and some cold weather workout clothing. Haven't taken the plunge on an activity tracker or HRM, although I'm feeling the itch. Haven't needed new clothes, because my current ones were probably 20 pounds too small for me when I finally started losing weight. I already had (though rarely used) most of the things others listed. My problem wasn't lack of stuff.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    edited November 2014
    I bought a food scale, a fitbit Aria scale, and a Heart Rate monitor. I received a fitbit flex for christmas :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Food scales (3 so far, one died), HRM (don't use anymore), fitbit (don't use anymore), adjustable dumbbells (still use 3x a week), way too many Beachbody programs (used most of them), bathroom scale, gym membership (still go every other day), gym clothes, way too many walking/running shoes because I seem to destroy them in less than 6 months.
  • vamaena
    vamaena Posts: 217 Member
    I've picked up the following over the past few months;

    Digital food scale
    Bathroom scale
    measuring tape
    a fitbit
    running app
    workout clothes (need a new shirt soon)
    resistance bands
    gym membership + personal trainer
    protein supplements

    I plan on picking up the following over the next few months:

    some dumbbells
    a heart rate monitor
    better workout shoes
    battle ropes
    a punching bag

    No, I don't need to buy these things but I utilize them and the cost has fit into my budget.
  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    I reward myself with fitness equipment for the most part, so I have a lot of things I find usefull that help me drop weight. HRM, digital bathroom scale, elliptical, recumbent bike, resistance bands, portable rower, 3 workout outfits, sports bras, dumbbells, twist board, and raspberry keytones. So far, along with calorie counting, these things have been very usefull at keeping things interesting and me motivated to keep moving it!
  • allanakern
    allanakern Posts: 245 Member
    Gym membership
    New gym bag
    So many cute workout clothes
    Shaker bottle
    Fish Oil
    Food scale
    Bathroom scale
    Protein powder (and lots of it!)
    Lifting gloves
    Exercise mat

    wow the list could go on.... ha never realized how much I've spent but it's all been worth the investment!
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Food scale. Gym membership. Lots of personal training and nutrition sessions. Workout clothes/shoes. Tons of race entries. Triathlon gear. Soccer gear. OCR gear. Probably getting a HRM soon. It has become my lifestyle.....so none of it bothers me.
  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    Me: A Food scale $29.00 or so.

    My wife: $700 personal training sessions, and $500 blender, and $hundreds in suppliments.

  • newhealthykim
    newhealthykim Posts: 192 Member
    So much. Part of that is because I can spend the money. Another part is that it's a reward to buy a new thing even if that new thing is running shoes. So.. here's the list:

    Fancy pedometer (gift)
    Food scale (gift)
    Workout clothes (part gift/part free/part bought myself)
    2 pairs of running shoes (first one doesn't work for running past 1.5 miles)
    3 sports bras (and thinking of buying another one soon)
    Complete running book
    Various apps
    Songs for working out
    Gym membership (that is down to $55/year)
    Workout accessories (arm band, ear phones, anti chaffing/blister, anything else I may have forgotten)
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    In the past 6-12 months (to keep it short):

    Several books
    Replaced old Fitbit
    Several apps
    A Spibelt
    Withings scale

    My 10-year old Sony M2 Sports earphones lost a speaker this morning. Bluetooth earphones are next.
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited November 2014
    Except for the obvious already mentioned like digital scales, kitchen and bathroom, I reward myself with tools I deem necessary ;)

    1. Running gear.
    2. Spinning shoes. Best improvement tool!
    3. Compression wear/socks. Feel it helps with restitution.
    4. Foamroller and Rumble roller. Pain is gooood.
    5. Tennis and lacrosse-ish balls for self massage. Cheapest massage instruments I ever bought.
    6. Blender bottles.
    7. Various supps, including fiber for feeling fuller and creatin for restitution.
    8. Orthotic insoles/Gel pads. My feet are both high arches and underpronated.
    9. Good sports bra sufficient support for running and jumping.
    10. 2 sets IKEA trio plastic measuring spoons, 1-5-15 ml. Very easy measuring powders or oils.

    Edit: Spotify premium for easy music management and inspiration too. Forgot to mention HRM!
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    In the last year: HRM, lots of exercise clothes, sneakers, chalk, mp3 player, gym boss, gym membership, creatine, bcaa, caffeine pills and all the protein
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    So much stuff! Husband and I bought a treadmill and dumb bells when we moved to Kenya 12 years ago (and didn't have access to a gym). Still use those. We also have an elliptical which I hate but he does religiously. We have an exercise ball, some DVDs, bathroom and food scales, shoes of course, and various workout clothes. We both have FitBits but he doesn't use his (I love mine). I have the FitBit, Runkeeper, and of course MFP apps on my phone. Oh and a bike! (Which I don't use as much as I should). That's all I can think of for now.