Eating disorders have ruined my life. Time to take it back :) Hi! I'm new and would love support :)

Hey everyone, I'm Emily :)

21 (22 in 2 days woo!) , 5"6 and currently 116lbs.

I was diagnosed with anorexia then hated my life and wanted to change but recovery led me to secret binge eating and I gained 4lbs in the space of about 3 diagnosed with BED. BUT I refuse to have another issue ruining my life and my happiness.

It's time for me to take back what I lost and enjoy being young again!!

I would love as many friends on here as possible to help support and motivate me and also to motivate others. I have been on the weight loss path before and did it in a way which led to disordered eating. Healthy is happy :) That's what I want to encourage!

So come on guys! Add me as a friend and let's do this right :) xx


  • LifeInTheBikeLane
    LifeInTheBikeLane Posts: 345 Member
    I delt for a long time with binging and purging so I can some what understand where you are coming from. An ED is something that is hard to overcome but, when you do, you will be even more proud of yourself! We all have those things in our past/present that make us stronger in the future from overcoming and that is yours. :)

    You are at a pretty normal rate for your weight, I think. Then again, I can't really say that. I'm far shorter then you. Haha. I'm here to be as supportive as possible, Emily!! Just call me Kelly. :)
  • MissMotivated92
    I delt for a long time with binging and purging so I can some what understand where you are coming from. An ED is something that is hard to overcome but, when you do, you will be even more proud of yourself! We all have those things in our past/present that make us stronger in the future from overcoming and that is yours. :)

    You are at a pretty normal rate for your weight, I think. Then again, I can't really say that. I'm far shorter then you. Haha. I'm here to be as supportive as possible, Emily!! Just call me Kelly. :)

    Hi Kelly :) As horrible as it is to say - it feels great to know that someone understands what I am going through! Thank you for the support :) I am also here to support you too - we can do this!
  • spartsy88
    Hi Emily! I came across this discussion when looking for a forum to talk about ED's. I've posted on various discussion threads about my personal struggle with an ED (anorexia). I just wanted to share this moment that happened today that was very alarming to me.

    I went shopping with my mom for fall clothes. My mom and sister know I've long struggled with body image issues but do not know the extent of my ED. They know that I obsess about working out and frequently make snide comments about me being "bony" or "shaped like a boy". I'm 5ft 7in and fluctuate 128-132# but most people say I look around 115# (I workout a lot and have strong muscular legs). I've suffered physical conditions from having a low body fat percentage; I've been amenorrhea for 22 months, developed petechaie all over my body etc.

    My mom said that some people comment that I look scary skinny and that I need "a sandwich or three" and that I'm unattractive at this weight. She refused to say who said the comments and now I'm just sad. We had a great day together and now it's been ruined.

    I find that little ED voice in the back of my mind creeping up saying "prove them wrong, eat less and worktout more tomorrow. They think that you're skinny now? Just wait until later."

    This has been a challenging day and I find comfort in reading these posts to know that I'm not alone in this sense. I'm grateful for kind strangers like yourself to know I'm not alone.
  • MissMotivated92
    spartsy88 wrote: »
    Hi Emily! I came across this discussion when looking for a forum to talk about ED's. I've posted on various discussion threads about my personal struggle with an ED (anorexia). I just wanted to share this moment that happened today that was very alarming to me.

    I went shopping with my mom for fall clothes. My mom and sister know I've long struggled with body image issues but do not know the extent of my ED. They know that I obsess about working out and frequently make snide comments about me being "bony" or "shaped like a boy". I'm 5ft 7in and fluctuate 128-132# but most people say I look around 115# (I workout a lot and have strong muscular legs). I've suffered physical conditions from having a low body fat percentage; I've been amenorrhea for 22 months, developed petechaie all over my body etc.

    My mom said that some people comment that I look scary skinny and that I need "a sandwich or three" and that I'm unattractive at this weight. She refused to say who said the comments and now I'm just sad. We had a great day together and now it's been ruined.

    I find that little ED voice in the back of my mind creeping up saying "prove them wrong, eat less and worktout more tomorrow. They think that you're skinny now? Just wait until later."

    This has been a challenging day and I find comfort in reading these posts to know that I'm not alone in this sense. I'm grateful for kind strangers like yourself to know I'm not alone.

    Hi :)

    I am so sorry to hear about your day babe :( It must've felt really awful to hear those comments especially if you were looking forward to a new fall wardrobe and spending the day shopping for them. Don't listen to the cruel comments. You do not need obsess over what other people are saying - at the end of the day, they are probably just jealous of you! You sound like a lush person :) Sometimes people say nasty, cutting things to bring others down in an attempt to make them feel better about themselves. It is not worth your time to get upset or even work harder to lose more weight to prove them wrong.

    It's hard sometimes when others don't realise the emotional relationship someone you have with an ED. It takes over so quickly and before you know it, rules your entire life, brings down your self esteem and ruins your happiness. Don't EVER feel alone babe, there are many others including myself on this site that suffer with EDs or did suffer and are so on your wavelength about how you're feeling. What you have to remember is that you are a strong person that has complete control over your life including your happiness. You are the deciding party and you can overcome this! :)

    Trust me when I say that I've been there. I have an identical twin sister who is literally my better other half - she's so gorgeously slim and slender and eats everything she wants whenever she wants and has never once asked how many calories or fat grams are in a piece of food. She has never ordered a salad in her life nor cooked anything other than microwave meals and I hate her for it (I love her really but you know what I mean). She triggered my ED back when, and I have always resented her for it. It's horrible always being compared and being called the curvy one. Step by step I've learned that I have to start loving myself for me and not wishing for the life and body of another regardless of the genes we share.

    I'm sorry that I can't help you overcome this, but I am always here to support you 100%. You are an amazing person and ana does not have to rule your life :) You can rule your ED and show it whose boss!