Self control NSV

Yesterday I did something I have not done in years, or for as long as I can remember, seriously... it was around 6 PM at work and I was getting hungry. Now, you have to understand, when I get hungry, I will go into "search and destroy" Terminator mode for the closest calories. Do not get between me and that dry leftover bagel from the lunch meeting... you WILL die.

So I went to the vending machines and hit the buttons for some healthy veggie baked wheat thins. As I waited for the always mesmerizing screw arm thingy to push my healthy snack out, I had a brief but intense emotional affair with the minidonuts in slot F4... Anyway, I got back to my desk and I actually ate ONLY HALF the bag of wheat thins, calmly closed it, logged it into MFP, worked anoter 30 minutes and went home. THAT is something I don't remember doing (this is not a big bag, just a snack size). It may seem trivial to some, but that took a lot of self control. The half full bag is still sitting here on my desk, maybe I'll leave it there as a reminder!! The donuts are also still there, down the hall... lonely, plump and sweet... I will not cave! :-)


  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    Well done! I know how hard it is, and you know now you can do it!
  • brittanyleigh1220
    brittanyleigh1220 Posts: 23 Member
    Great job!!! When I'm about to eat something bad I try to ask myself if the 5 minutes of pleasure and enjoyment is really worth the regret I will feel afterwards.
  • DvrDawg
    DvrDawg Posts: 88 Member
    This month's diet is next month's body - stay strong!!!
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    can i have the other half?
  • @wolverine: HA! sure, "just pay separate shipping and handling.. but wait, there is more!" :-)
  • @brittanyleigh: " I try to ask myself if the 5 minutes of pleasure and enjoyment is really worth the regret I will feel afterwards."

    I heard that a lot from women when I was single ;-)
  • GordieLaChance
    GordieLaChance Posts: 171
    edited November 2014
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Eating lifestyle change -1 old habits- 0. That is awesome man.
  • journalistjen
    journalistjen Posts: 265 Member
    That's wonderful. We all have to start somewhere and impulse control issues are hard.
  • StrawberryJam40
    StrawberryJam40 Posts: 274 Member
    @brittanyleigh: " I try to ask myself if the 5 minutes of pleasure and enjoyment is really worth the regret I will feel afterwards."

    I heard that a lot from women when I was single ;-)

    That's hilarious.

    And, great NSV!

  • ems212
    ems212 Posts: 135 Member
    Now, you have to understand, when I get hungry, I will go into "search and destroy" Terminator mode for the closest calories. Do not get between me and that dry leftover bagel from the lunch meeting... you WILL die.

    I am the same way! And each and every day, I fight that hunger. I fight not to over-indulge.

    Good job! Stay strong! You can do it!

  • atheresel
    atheresel Posts: 3 Member
    "brief but intense emotional affair with mini donuts" would be a great book title...or band name (albeit long). Just saying. I have also had my search and destroy moments with food. Good on you for resisting!
  • brittanyleigh1220
    brittanyleigh1220 Posts: 23 Member
    @brittanyleigh: " I try to ask myself if the 5 minutes of pleasure and enjoyment is really worth the regret I will feel afterwards."

    I heard that a lot from women when I was single ;-)
