I was so careful... and I gained!

Hi all -

I'm here just venting a frustration that I've been carrying today. I weighed myself this morning after about 10 days or so of not weighing in... and I thought I was being so careful tracking my foods and I've been exercising and everything... I was expecting at least a 1lb loss, but I gained 1lb back!!! I know it's "just 1lb", but I'm so frustrated and it feels like I'm working so hard and it's not paying off!!


  • I'm sure this has been posted a million times but don't just go off the number! Measure yourself like waist, bust etc with a tape measure. Muscle is much denser than fat, so you could have gained a pound of muscle and it will take less space than the equivalent pound of fat so you will be thinner but heavier. Or you've not been as careful as you thought. :3
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Weight fluctuates all the time, from day to day and throughout the day. It's not that gaining "just 1 lb" doesn't matter, it's that 1 lb is negligible - it could easily be part of a normal fluctuation; there's no way of knowing how much of that (if any) is fat. Chances are, as you've been so careful in tracking your foods and exercise, that absolutely none of it is fat.

    Honestly, I would either weigh every day )and not freak out about fluctuations) or leave it to every couple of weeks at least, so you can see the bigger picture. The scale is a useful tool, but it doesn't tell you the whole story. It's not the only way to measure whether what you've been doing is paying off or not.