Restarting but need all the help in the world to keep going?

Well Last year this time I was doing really well. MFP was a great help in losing weight. I drop a nice 50 lbs over about 3.5 months. It was easy and I was able to enjoy what I was eating.

Back in January I lost my father and I let everything go. I did not continue to do what was so easy to do. He was the one I looked upto the most and strived to be like. But something will not ever be the same. I have moved on in most ways but my health.

I got on the Scale this past weekend and saw the worse weight I ever have seen. I was just shy of 450 lbs. I know this is not healthy and that I need to make better choices. I need to learn to take this seriously and one day at a time. I know life will always have its ups and downs. I know I currently don't have the best relationship with food. I feel little lost and defeated.

I commit myself to improving to improving my habits. I will stand back up brush the dust off and start again. I will not let food run my lifestyle but make food to fit my new lifestyle. I have many people in my life that deserve to have a healthier me. I owe myself the respect of getting healthy and enjoying the many things I have missed over time due to my weight.

It is time I stand up and take control of my Mind, Body and Soul.


  • Good luck; we're thinking about you. I'm sorry to hear about your father, but know he wouldn't want you to be unhealthy. I know you can do it!
  • ankdworak
    ankdworak Posts: 336 Member
    Sorry to hear about your Father. I lost my Dad in 2008 and it turned my world upside down. I didn't care about anything for a very long time. Happy to help in any way I can. Feel free to add me. ankdworak
  • Losses are hard man. I lost my father to cancer and that's what knocked me off track as well. It's all about finding people to go through the struggle with so when the other doesn't feel particularly motivated the other can pick you up! If you need an ear or some advice give me a shout man.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Just do what you were doing before. Its totally normal that you fell off the wagon when you lost your father. Grief and any other mental health blow tends to make those of us prone to over eating go back to our bad habits.

    for the future, you will have to be aware of this and address your issues sooner and not give up. Or at the very least, minimise the damage to a shorter period of time.

    Commitment to the big picture of your health and weight is the only thing that will keep you on the path over the long term.
  • alliums
    alliums Posts: 39 Member
    I'm sorry for your loss. I also had some success before losing weight, then gained it back, and some! It's very disheartening... Apparently it's a common phenomenon. There's SCIENCE to help us with this, around willpower and building habit.

    I'm trying to learn more about it, and experiment on myself. Drastic changes are are to keep and maintain. Instead try startin small, and building "habits". I've discovered app, which helps your track your compliance, and it's quite motivating.

    So you're not going to be the fit, healthy food eating person all at once. But today you can start small. I wish I had some more links to hand but for me it started with this free course. I took the ladies one. It comes via email,and you watch videos. I hope that inspires you!

    In the first two weeks you take up a simple habit, and then you add to it. Even with the multivitamin habit, it took about 22 days, now I take it and if I didn't click it in my app, I would forget I had. I think that is where we want to get to with these lifestyle changes. Make them so easy, they don't require willpower or decision making. You just do the healthy thing and it feels right.

    And their fitness approach says the same. So ok, I could just about do one modified push up (on an incline even) at the start, now I can do 5 in a set. It's progress. I didn't run down and join a gym, but these small changes Are helping.

    Best wishes, please report back on how you're getting on ;)