Hello from the Washington, D.C Metro area!

Hello! I joined Myfitness pal to be held more accountable. I eat pretty healthy, but my sweet tooth can get the best of me a lot of times! I also started working out 3-4 times a week. I don't see much change on the scale yet, but I hope to eventually. Open to any food and fitness tips...


  • clove76
    clove76 Posts: 14 Member
    I totally understand about the sweet tooth ... that gets me all the time. lol I have found that the FiberOne brownies help me with that. They taste really good, I get fiber, and they are only 90 calories a serving. I use that as one of my go-to snacks, even I am craving something sweet (besides fruit). I am starting to go back to the gym ...cardio, strength training , etc. I am thinking about setting up some sessions with a personal trainer, to see which exercises will help with my goals. It may help you too. Best of luck ..you've got this!