Scale going wrong way suddenly, wth ???

The past few days I've been in a funk worse than the weather in the North East US. Been logging 50+ straight days with 24 pounds lost, the hit a brick wall and made a U-turn. Up a couple pounds past few days. Snuck in some booze the past few nights, didn't log it, not too much to get drunk, just take the edge off. Slept like 12 hours a day for 3 days. Eating the same calories basically, have been doing no workouts at all.
Can I get some motivational replies ? Please no trolls. Negative comments won't help.


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Well, you have to figure out how to get your motivation back. It. Can be hard when the weather's crappy. If you want some booze, go for it, but log it, and cut something else to stay in line with your goals. Maybe doing something awesome for yourself will help snap you out of your funk. Get a massage, but that new shirt/video game/CD/whatever that you've been wanting. Then, just do it. Sometimes slips happen. Sometimes backslides happen. I've been there. At the end of the day, realize it's ok, reset your intentions and goals, be gentle to yourself and suck it up and. Get back to basics. Don't beat yourself up, that perpetuates the problem.
  • jim_just_jim
    jim_just_jim Posts: 148 Member
    Thank you. Was going to walk the dog but it's raining ice/sleet here. Back onto the elliptical today ( my only cardio right now ) and staying off scale as long as possible.
  • shadowloss
    shadowloss Posts: 293 Member
    Screw the scale, jump on it. It is the measure of the direction your going. If you don't know the direction, how can you tell the destination.

    Everyone gets in a funk. Especially this time of year, all the sudden your days change the weather gets crappy, now the stress of the holidays. God night, what is next. YOU ARE!

    So you hit a few bumps. Your job is to take the bumps out of the future not the past. Don't dwell on what you did the last week, focus on what your going to do to improve over the next few weeks. 24lbs is a big accomplishment and your weight is going to fluctuate. Deal with it an move on.

    With regards to the booze, this is my achilles heal on weekends. Make sure you log it, so you can go back and figure out what has derailed you. Moderation is the key!

    So forget about the last week, and focus on this week. Good luck.
  • KeeRae1989
    KeeRae1989 Posts: 38 Member
    shadowloss wrote: »
    Screw the scale, jump on it. It is the measure of the direction your going. If you don't know the direction, how can you tell the destination.

    Everyone gets in a funk. Especially this time of year, all the sudden your days change the weather gets crappy, now the stress of the holidays. God night, what is next. YOU ARE!

    So you hit a few bumps. Your job is to take the bumps out of the future not the past. Don't dwell on what you did the last week, focus on what your going to do to improve over the next few weeks. 24lbs is a big accomplishment and your weight is going to fluctuate. Deal with it an move on.

    With regards to the booze, this is my achilles heal on weekends. Make sure you log it, so you can go back and figure out what has derailed you. Moderation is the key!

    So forget about the last week, and focus on this week. Good luck.

    ↑↑↑↑↑--- Amazing.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I think most people hit a wall once in a while. You've done really (really) well so far so don't be hard on yourself. When I get in a funk, trying something new sometimes help. Maybe trying a new type of workout would be helpful for you. Have you ever done any bodyweight training? Something like this beginner workout can be done as a circuit and ends up being very cardio-ish and it can all be done indoors. Or maybe doing something like a 100 pushup program would give you something to focus on.

    Something else that helps me sometimes is giving myself permission to feel bad for a certain amount of time and that's it. That way I feel like I have more control over it. Like "okay, tonight I'll get a pizza and eat whatever I want but then at midnight it's all over." And then when the pizza comes, eat/drink whatever I want and don't beat myself up over it because I've given myself permission for it. Then tomorrow, it's back to logging, etc.
  • jim_just_jim
    jim_just_jim Posts: 148 Member
    Thank you for the positive posts. @jemhh I can't do any upper body workouts for a few weeks due to a shoulder/neck issue, so Im stuck with walking/elliptical cardio. Ive had some coffee this AM and a good breakfast. I'm getting out of this funk ! Screw the weather !
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Ah, injuries really stink. They are what tend to get me in a funk and, unfortunately, I get into disaster snowball thinking. I hurt my knee and couldn't run for a couple of days and my thought process went straight to "I can't run, I'm never going to get back to running so I'll lose all my endurance gains and then I'll stop trying and then I'll stop watching what I'm eating and I'll gain back all of this weight and that will be awful." When I said that to my husband he said "uh, well, just don't do all of that." At first I thought easy for you to say but, of course, he was right so I pretty much had to get over it and move on.

    It sounds like you are on track for today. Have a good one!
  • Misterfish96
    Misterfish96 Posts: 26 Member
    Plateaus are part of the process. I've been bouncing around the same 10 pounds for a couple of months. It's frustrating but I'm keeping focused on the long term.