Circuit Training

So I'm doing these 'Personal Training" type classes at my gym, and we had our class yesterday, which was more a circuit total body class than just strength resistance. I read that you shouldn't do two strength training workouts in a row using the same muscle group, but I wanted to know people's thoughts on doing another circuit cardio/strength class again two days in a row? Yay or nay? Or should I just do some cardio on my own with the elliptical, treadmill, etc.


  • adamnb13
    there is a big difference between doing strength based workouts and cardio/strength circuits. doing few reps of very heavyweight is going to tax your nervous system quite significantly and you will need a few days to properly recover, however circuit training with i'm guessing a lot of bodyweight exercises and light weights were you are really working strength endurance is fine to do many times a week, although you may want to pace yourself at first. The more you do it, the fitter you will get, and you will be able to do more and more while still recovering. so yes doing any cardio based workout you can do every day if you really want, but ease yourself into that type of frequency.
  • blb85
    blb85 Posts: 187 Member
    Now I'm even more uncertain... Our PT class (that's what the program is called) is twice a week and mean to be heavier weights to increase our muscle and burn fat, we typically do 3 sets of two back-to-back moves for a total of 4 rounds. So yesterday was a Pull Down Machine and Slam ball for round 1, plank row with a push-up in between and alternating bicep curls for round 2, one arm shoulder press and plank ball crunches for round 3, and for round 4 we did a super set of 20 sec each with 10 sec rest for 3 sets of jump squats, mountain climbers, and shoulder presses.

    I know the Cardio/Strength circuit class today that I'm contemplating taking is usually a more cardio/body weight/strength endurance class, which involves planks, burpees, jumping jacks, squats, etc type movements. But I don't want to over-do my arms after the heavy weight session on the arms yesterday either.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    What is a heavy weight? What adam is alluding to is heavy weights. We're talking 80%+ of your 1RM, which is the heaviest weight you can move in that lift for 1 repetition. It's your maximal ability.

    If you're doing say, 10# bicep curls for 12 reps, or a 30# pull down, that's not really heavy, and depending on your training level, you could hit it again the next day. Let your body guide you there.

    All in all though, planks, burpees, jumping jacks, etc are all things you can do daily. Especially if just body weight, and assisted. I'd go, try it on for size, only way you can find out if it works is to try it and see what your body tells you.
  • suby47
    Thanks for posting, I had the same type of questions... the responses were very helpful!
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    If you're able to do the same muscle group two days in a row without noticing significantly less strength on the 2nd day then you're not doing the circuit training right.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    If the circuit was of high intensity then no you should not do it 2 days in a row. It's still very demanding on the CNS assuming it's true circuit training and not some watered down version being mass marketed to lemmings, and anything CNS-heavy needs a rest day after.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    ahamm002 wrote: »
    If you're able to do the same muscle group two days in a row without noticing significantly less strength on the 2nd day then you're not doing the circuit training right.
    It sounds like a circuit class, the magnitude probably isn't significant.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I can barely walk out the gym on my circuit training days. There is no way I would repeat at the same intensity the next day.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    I can barely walk out the gym on my circuit training days. There is no way I would repeat at the same intensity the next day.

    You're not in a class though eh boss? If so, I want pics of the leotard.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Clearly (per above posts), it depends on the kind of circuit training. Ex: I did Kelley Coffey-Meyer's Body Shop dvd on Monday. Used 10# weights (yes yes it's not heavy lifting) and my arms were *very* lethargic the next day. I could probably have done the workout again but not without a significant loss of form. I think in general you'll be able to quickly figure out how to tell if you wore out any body parts to the point where it would impact the quality of your workout.
  • blb85
    blb85 Posts: 187 Member
    I think I'm still not sure... But I did the class anyway today and it killed me... But it also killed other people where they walked-out before it was even done... Today was definitely more body-weight cardio endurance based.

    The one yesterday was/is meant to be more strength training. They would like us to lift as heavy as we can doing 8-12 reps per set. If we get to the 3rd set and it's not hard to lift, we need to increase our weight.

    I probably did over-do it between the two classes in the two days, but at least I have the weekend off (since it's my work gym, and it's not open Saturday and Sundays).
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    Walked out before it was done?!?!

    I do not understand.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Walked out before it was done?!?!

    I do not understand.

    They probably felt like throwing up. IDK
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    So throw up and keep working.
  • blb85
    blb85 Posts: 187 Member
    Hahaha! It was a SUPER intense class. I can't lie, I had a couple moments as well... It went like this: In 3 minutes complete 4 burpees then 2 rounds of: jump on chair + squat 3X, chair dips 3x, push-ups 3x, alternate jump lunge 6X (3 on each leg), push through leg shoulder press 6x, and side lunge with bicep curl 6X; your rest time is after you are done and what is remaining of the 3 minutes, then we did 45 sec plank, repeat the 3 minute circuit again and then 45 sec wall-sit. We did the first circuit a total of 10 times.... Trust me, by the 8th round, I was done.... But I did keep going. But it was HARD. Definitely for more intermediate/advance trainors... There was a beginner in our class who walked out after a while, and a guy as well towards the end.