Starting again

In reality I have been doing MFP for 20 days and have lost 7 pounds so this morning I decided to try and find some support. Well long story short I ran into some issues and when I was trying to fix it I inadvertently deleted my profile so I have created a new one and will start fresh. I don't care too much about the days in a row number but tomorrow I will get my ticker to reflect that 7 pounds ( I realized that I can't do that today since I just created the account)

Anyway, I am a stay at home mom who is just trying to get back to a healthy weight that allows me to have fun with my boys and will hopefully help me be here a long time for them. I am not a die-hard exercise person but I do go out and walk about 4 days a week for 45-60 minutes. With winter coming I am probably going to have to find something inside to do because I hate to be cold. As far as my food goes I am really watching my calories and trying to make more healthy choices and the biggest change I have made is NO more eating out. This is a big benefit for my weight and my wallet!

So if would like to, please add me and I will support you as well.


  • pequito6
    I also just started. Wishing us luck
  • ankdworak
    ankdworak Posts: 336 Member
    Happy to help in anyway I can. Feel free to add me. ankdworak
  • mrsKOrtiz
    mrsKOrtiz Posts: 949 Member
    When I first started out I used Zumba for wii. Maybe use the money from not going out and invest in a video or game that you're interested in! :) Good luck on your journey!
  • Marcieb21
    Marcieb21 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi! I've just started back after taking about a 2 year break...yeah I gained a little weight back. I'm always up to give some motivation so add me if you want :smile:
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member

    Well i don't know , sounds like you are doing quite a bit of exercise to me. The walking you are doing is great. But i can tell you its not essential so if at some point you don't want to do it, don't worry. I have lost all my weight this year without exercise. I am nearly at goal and just taking up a bit of sport now but for fitness reasons not for weightloss.

    I found it so easy to lose weight while spending most of my day sitting at my computer. I just reduced my calories a little bit (roughly for a goal of half a pound a week - 1650 calories for a month, then 1600 for a few months) until i was in my healthy weight range. I'm 5'5".

    You are right to quit eating out and to cook for yourself. This is one of the biggest single means of successfully losing weight because the food we cook is usually so much healthier and nutrition loaded than what is available in commercial eateries.

    It still takes discipline but this is made a whole lot easier by spending the time to cook really good food. Preferably not sweet food because for many, and especially people like me who have a strong sweet tooth, its a killer. Once i start on the sweet stuff, i can't stop, particularly if my mood is a bit low, or stress is high. Having sweet stuff lying around the house is a temptation too great for me to resist. So i keep all temptations far away from myself.

    I have been doing this since early january and i have found the way to eat for the rest of my life. Of course i can eat when i go out but i never had a major habit of it. Home cooking is the key and cornerstone of healthy eating for weight management. Vegetables are the most important ingredient. My vegetable cooking is great. I encourage everyone to improve their vegetable cooking.

    Good luck!
  • ElizabethMaryam
    ElizabethMaryam Posts: 159 Member
    If you use the full version (you can access it on a mobile phone by using safari), you can edit/add weigh-ins and add a new date. That way you can log your previous loss (FYI). Congrats on your loss so far :)
  • heidistubbs
    heidistubbs Posts: 20 Member
    Congratulations on your loss so far! I have started again after losing baby weitght. I have struggled to keep it off. :smile:
    I am trying to lose about 14 pounds and I have just out on almost 7 kilos this week. Feel free to add me if you like. I need the motivation too.