Blew it

Balaru Posts: 203 Member
So glad it's Friday after 5 pm - really blew it today. It started last night when our neighbor, who is a nurse called at 9:30 to complain about our dog barking and he couldn't sleep and he had to go to work in the morning. She barked once. He threatened the "ordinance", etc. Usually he speaks with my hubby who is so much better at letting things go. I couldn't sleep last night with all the worse case scenarios floating through my head. Like we told him - she's out there for a reason. If someone passes by the fence the security light will go off and so will the dog. Lordy - anyway got up this a.m. and looked up the ordinance which put me late so had ice tea and a piece of toast with vegan butter and cinnamon sugar on it. Not the breakfast of champions. When hubby woke up he made some oatmeal and brought it to me while I was working. Work day was not good. The volume has gone down but now it's dealing with all the problem properties that won't go away. Spinning in circles not going forward and feeling like you're an alien from another planet when you ask for the simplest things and contractors don't give it to you. Anyway - by mid morning I was stressed to the max and had a migraine. Hubby was off working at the church and true confessions - I went to the gas station and bought a king size candy bar, Dr. Pepper and a king size peanut M&Ms. Am I CRAZY! And yes I ate it all throughout the day. Now I've eaten a whole days worth of calories just on snacks.

Lunch was leftover beef stew.

Dinner is pork chop with pineapple and cabbage in the pressure cooker with lipton onion soup for seasoning and ice tea to drink.

Hitting the treadmill but that won't make up for this faux pas. Lord have mercy - I've totally lost it.

so hear I am to confess to the world. STRESS is evil!

Thank GOD it's Friday!!!!!

Fellow STRESS Eaters share your secrets. I work "off site" aka from home. Apparently not keeping it in the house doesn't work - :'(


  • Balaru
    Balaru Posts: 203 Member
    BTW - I've never had all of that junk at one time EVER before.....not a binge eater. Just a stress eater.
  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    That isn't a game changer. Just accept it and move on. :D
  • Balaru
    Balaru Posts: 203 Member
    Thanks! I'm just really aggrivated with myself. Have had a hard time getting motivated so I can't afford to screw up like that.
  • nuvimi
    nuvimi Posts: 103 Member
    Balaru wrote: »
    So glad it's Friday after 5 pm - really blew it today. It started last night when our neighbor, who is a nurse called at 9:30 to complain about our dog barking and he couldn't sleep and he had to go to work in the morning. She barked once. He threatened the "ordinance", etc. Usually he speaks with my hubby who is so much better at letting things go. I couldn't sleep last night with all the worse case scenarios floating through my head. Like we told him - she's out there for a reason. If someone passes by the fence the security light will go off and so will the dog. Lordy - anyway got up this a.m. and looked up the ordinance which put me late so had ice tea and a piece of toast with vegan butter and cinnamon sugar on it. Not the breakfast of champions. When hubby woke up he made some oatmeal and brought it to me while I was working. Work day was not good. The volume has gone down but now it's dealing with all the problem properties that won't go away. Spinning in circles not going forward and feeling like you're an alien from another planet when you ask for the simplest things and contractors don't give it to you. Anyway - by mid morning I was stressed to the max and had a migraine. Hubby was off working at the church and true confessions - I went to the gas station and bought a king size candy bar, Dr. Pepper and a king size peanut M&Ms. Am I CRAZY! And yes I ate it all throughout the day. Now I've eaten a whole days worth of calories just on snacks.

    Lunch was leftover beef stew.

    Dinner is pork chop with pineapple and cabbage in the pressure cooker with lipton onion soup for seasoning and ice tea to drink.

    Hitting the treadmill but that won't make up for this faux pas. Lord have mercy - I've totally lost it.

    so hear I am to confess to the world. STRESS is evil!

    Thank GOD it's Friday!!!!!

    Fellow STRESS Eaters share your secrets. I work "off site" aka from home. Apparently not keeping it in the house doesn't work - :'(

    Your dog sounds super annoying. You don't get to inconvenience the whole neighborhood just so you can have the faux security of having something make noise everytime something triggers your "security light".
  • tzdani
    tzdani Posts: 13 Member
    Balaru wrote: »
    BTW - I've never had all of that junk at one time EVER before.....not a binge eater. Just a stress eater.

    Honestly, if you've been "good" for awhile, you might lose a couple of pounds! Although you certainly can't do it every day, calorie confusion isn't a bad thing! Hey... it happens. If it happens multiple days in a row, it can become a problem, but simply get back on the horse and keep going! Don't beat yourself up for a bad day or two (I'm still repenting for numerous bad days... Halloween candy is apparently a downfall!). The point is, don't let a slip get you down....
  • 21million
    21million Posts: 113 Member
    nuvimi wrote: »
    Balaru wrote: »
    So glad it's Friday after 5 pm - really blew it today. It started last night when our neighbor, who is a nurse called at 9:30 to complain about our dog barking and he couldn't sleep and he had to go to work in the morning. She barked once. He threatened the "ordinance", etc. Usually he speaks with my hubby who is so much better at letting things go. I couldn't sleep last night with all the worse case scenarios floating through my head. Like we told him - she's out there for a reason. If someone passes by the fence the security light will go off and so will the dog. Lordy - anyway got up this a.m. and looked up the ordinance which put me late so had ice tea and a piece of toast with vegan butter and cinnamon sugar on it. Not the breakfast of champions. When hubby woke up he made some oatmeal and brought it to me while I was working. Work day was not good. The volume has gone down but now it's dealing with all the problem properties that won't go away. Spinning in circles not going forward and feeling like you're an alien from another planet when you ask for the simplest things and contractors don't give it to you. Anyway - by mid morning I was stressed to the max and had a migraine. Hubby was off working at the church and true confessions - I went to the gas station and bought a king size candy bar, Dr. Pepper and a king size peanut M&Ms. Am I CRAZY! And yes I ate it all throughout the day. Now I've eaten a whole days worth of calories just on snacks.

    Lunch was leftover beef stew.

    Dinner is pork chop with pineapple and cabbage in the pressure cooker with lipton onion soup for seasoning and ice tea to drink.

    Hitting the treadmill but that won't make up for this faux pas. Lord have mercy - I've totally lost it.

    so hear I am to confess to the world. STRESS is evil!

    Thank GOD it's Friday!!!!!

    Fellow STRESS Eaters share your secrets. I work "off site" aka from home. Apparently not keeping it in the house doesn't work - :'(

    Your dog sounds super annoying. You don't get to inconvenience the whole neighborhood just so you can have the faux security of having something make noise everytime something triggers your "security light".

    I wouldn't say a single bark is "super annoying".

    OP, don't dwell on it! It happens to me too. Just brush yourself off and do great tomorrow! I try to keep some calorie friendly but super good foods in the house for those moments, like peanut butter cracker packs! For under 200 calories I get comfort that vegetables cannot give! I am a little ridiculous so I pose super sexy in the mirror for motivation too! :P
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    There is always going to be stressful days. You need to come up with a strategy or set of strategies on how to deal with it before encounter it. That being said, you are not alone in dealing with stress with food. I have done it many times but keep persevering. It is not about how many times you get knocked down, but rather how many times you get up, brush yourself off and start over. Good luck.
  • annangelich
    annangelich Posts: 402 Member
    Oh my goodness, you have had such a DAY, I am sorry you have had to deal with all of this. I can relate to you. I am a stress eater and only specifically worrisome occasions and stressful days can con me into eating more 'junk' than I normally would in 2 days. Hope you get some rest and are able to de-stress. Don't let today discourage you from your goals. You can't un-eat all those soothing treats, but you can continue forward in your journey. I have blown my diet too may times with stress eating...
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    You stressed yourself out mostly. Don't do that and you won't eat poorly. I guess.
  • nuvimi
    nuvimi Posts: 103 Member
    21million wrote: »
    I wouldn't say a single bark is "super annoying".

    Did you actually read her post? It's much more than a "single bark". The neighbor who called about the barking "usually speaks with her husband" about it. That means the barking is a chronic issue, which is further proven by the fact that the neighbor "threatened the ordinance", which means it's persistent enough that he actually looked up legal ways he could stop it. The threatening of the ordinance was so upsetting (because she knew the dog was in violation) that she couldn't sleep all night because she was playing through the bad scenarios that the ordinance could cause. She has no sympathy that the dog is a nuisance, however, because her response to the neighbor's annoyance is " we told him - she's out there for a reason. If someone passes by the fence the security light will go off and so will the dog. Lordy...". She states right here that the entire purpose they put the dog outside for is so that he. will. bark. And she's proud of that! Basically, **** her neighbor who has to get up early to be at the hospital, she needs something to bark all night every time the wind or a cat or a leaf triggers her automatic security light (which happens all the time). But hey, as long as she's happy, who gives a **** about anyone else, amirite?
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited November 2014
    Stuff happens, log it and move on. The stressing is far more damaging than the food. If you go to comfort eating then that can be an issue, but this seems a one off.

    Learn some stress control technoques if it becomes a problem.

    Keep things in perspective. 3500 calories=1lb. Your body can fluctuate a number of lbs each day all by itself.

    Also change your language. You didnt blow it you just had a bag of M&M's.
  • amessam8
    amessam8 Posts: 58 Member
    I eat when I'm stressed as well, so I totally understand you (I had a terrible week last week: brookside chocolates, fererro rocher, bags of chips and glasses of wine). The best advice I can give is to find other outlets or other ways to deal with the stress. This week when I started to get stressed, I would just get up and walk around the office. Since you work from home, maybe you could walk around the block.

    The other thing you have to realize is that you sometimes can't control situations, but you can control your reaction to them. You can't stop the dog from barking or your neighbor calling, so just accept that these things happened and control what you can.

    Don't let anyone or anything derail your progress. If you want a candy bar just because you want one and feel you deserve it, then that's great, we all need to treat ourselves. But try not to let others demotivate us.
  • terrapilot
    I wouldn't say I'm a stress eater, but when I'm tired I'm weak willed. And last night was one of those. I've eaten clean all week and got off of work late, so it was a pizza night for the kids. I still had 1600 calories to eat, so I justified a few pieces of pizza. haha But that turned into getting into the kids halloween candy too. Ugh.

    You just have to take it as a single pot hole in the road, and stay on track the next day.

    Try to hit the cardio IN THE BEGINNING OF THE DAY. Yes, it's good for your metabolism for the rest of the day, but what it's really good at doing is getting you in the right mindset. When I lift or hit cardio first thing in the morning, it keeps me motivated to stick to my diet the rest of the day because I'm wanting to feed my body right instead of doing cardio late in the day to make up for my failure.

    Good luck!
  • aprilLPN2015
    A slip up is not a fail.
  • Balaru
    Balaru Posts: 203 Member
    Thanks everyone! Today is a new day and my dog and I have already finished our walk. For the previous poster who appeared angry with my post remember you have never met me, my dog or my neighbor. We are friends with our neighbor and his girls love to play with her. I can count the number of times he's called on one hand. No other neighbor has an issue with her. He probably had something else upsetting him as well. I certainly did not post to get anyone upset. She is not a nuisance. There are several other dogs nearby who bark much more than she does. She rarely does bark. The reason my husband speaks with him is because I get migraines and this neighbor exaggerates things. They talk it out and within 15 minutes it's over. I on the other hand can think of many scenarios. All is fine now except that now you are upset. He just needed to blow off steam. Btw it was 9 pm when he called. She barked once and the noise ordinance starts at 10 pm. for constant barking. We live in a small town so everyone knows about the ordinance. You are doing the same thing in being angry with someone you don't know. Why are you so angry? I am not the person you portrayed in your post. The point of the dog post is that it stressed me out as did your post. The post was about stress eating. Thank you to everyone else. I appreciate your kind words of encouragement. What backup plan do you have for stressful times? Someone said crackers, any other ideas?