Addressing You Weaknesses

This is a long post because for me it is all about identifying and getting it “out there” my weaknesses and flaws in a hope that I can learn to manage them.

I consider myself a veteran at the whole weight loss game. In the later part of my adult life I have tried, and quite a few times succeeded, at all sorts of weight loss programs, and the principles were identical in everyone of them, calories in vs calories out.

This strategy works. Its definitely not rocket science. In fact its biology. Why then can it be so hard for me to maintain?

After pondering this for some time and reading all sorts of articles and researching studies, I have decided to try yet another strategy. Focusing on my weaknesses. Which in my case is the mind.

So, I have now documented a few for me to work on.

1. Going it alone

When I follow a healthy eating plan, my weight falls of, no problems at all. As soon as I try to go it alone without recording in some sort of diary, or checking in with someone, thinking I know enough now, eg. I know what foods are good, I understand portion control and the roll that proteins and nutrition plays in the body, and the importance of exercise, I fail and the weight creeps back.

It is time consuming tracking everything you eat and do. However for me this is probably going to have to be a lifetime commitment.

2. Nighttime binging. During the day I have a handle on it. It’s the evening that’s the problem. As soon as I sit down in front of the telly. Its definitely not hunger. I could have just eaten dinner and I want to pick at something, normally something sweet.

I make a point not to have anything naughty in the house, however I still find myself returning to the pantry numerous times and gazing in.

I know I could probably just not watch telly, however I enjoy a bit of my telly time when the kids have gone to bed. It’s the only time I can actually get hold of the remote. I have tried drinking a cup of chamomile tea, ust to give my mouth and hands something to do. This does work, however I find I have to make an effort to do this.

3. Going to BBQ’s, or parties. Always a blowout, especially if I have a drink. If I drink I need to each. Probably same thing as the telly habbit. And yes I know I could just not drink or go to parties. I am starting to bring my own little bowl of healthy nibblies. I seem to have this all to myself, no one else want any.

Anyway, that’s a start. I have many more, but I’m just going to work on these three for now.


  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    You might want to make this a blog post instead, so you can update it & find it later.

  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    MKEgal wrote: »
    You might want to make this a blog post instead, so you can update it & find it later.


    That's a good idea. (*) Especially with this new system, you'll never find it least, I haven't been able to find my old posts. Maybe I'm just ignorant, though.
  • Marianne802
    Marianne802 Posts: 91 Member
    Thankyou. I am ignorant, I will try and find how to do that. :)
  • Marianne802
    Marianne802 Posts: 91 Member
    My weakness number 2 I blame on a habbit dating back to childhood. As children we were allowed to eat in front of the TV, particularly the evening meal. Kind of like a dog and a bell. A dog that is trained when a bell rings means dinner, biogically his body immediately starts preparing for food when he hears the call, he starts to salvatate and his stomach is ready for food.

    My body became customed to when TV is on, time for food. How to reverse this I don't know. I have banned my kids from eating in front of TV, and may extend that to eating on a couch full stop. That would solve more that one problem (mess).