Loose Skin - Does it happen to everyone?



  • BramageOMG
    BramageOMG Posts: 319 Member
    yes we are.. we just lie about that like everything else. And skin will firm up, slowly. How much will depend on genetics.
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    you know, i think maybe it has a big part to do with the fact that i yo yo'd back and fourth a lot before i really got the hang of it. that can't be good for the skin. went from like 200 to 245 to 180 to 275 to 153.. so.. yeah.. like a stretched balloon.
  • Autumngolds
    Autumngolds Posts: 30 Member
    I lost a lot of weight before joining MFP, and I don't have loose skin, but I do have loose fat. I think most of the time when people talk about loose skin or think they have it, it's actually fat, which really confuses most of the things you read about loose skin. I'd guess that loose skin is more rare than people generally think. Fat can be difficult too - I haven't gotten rid of mine, but I've only just stopped losing weight. It wasn't helping my problem areas and I think eating more and strength training will help immensely, from other results I've seen or read about. From what I've heard from other people, loose skin can't be eliminated in the way that remaining fat can - some people say building muscle can mask it, but again I think that's generally the case with fat, wrongly labeled as loose skin (though it might help there as well, but I know it doesn't change its appearance for everyone). I started getting worried that I might end up with the same problem, and I didn't, although I still have a lot of work to do to reach the physique I want. Don't worry too much. If you come to that problem, you'll still have achieved so much and feel so much better, and there will always be options down the road to get rid of it. I've heard people say it can go over time, when you begin to eat more again. It doesn't happen to everyone, and being younger helps your chances of avoiding it, though genetics play a large part. Also, images you find on Google are probably the more dramatic cases.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I've lost nearly 200 lbs over the last 3 and a half years. I think there comes a point where it doesn't matter how slowly you lose, how much you lift, whatever, you're going to have it. It's really visible on me and it does bother me. You can see it in my profile pic - where it looks like my belly is hanging down? That's loose skin. And my upper arms. It's a bit of a bummer, but I wouldn't trade it for having the weight back. If it's the price I have to pay, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
  • EDollah
    EDollah Posts: 464 Member
    I don't have a lot of genetic advantages, but skin tautness is one. I've lost around 140-150 pounds over a year's time and no loose skin whatsoever. If only I were so fortunate with my hair...
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    I've read that if you do weight lifting from the get go that you will have less issues with loose skin than if you lose weight and then start the weight training. Don't know if that's true or not.

    I have loose skin from years back when I lost weight and then gained it back, and lost again and gained again .... So that's def something to avoid doing.

    I've also read that younger people have less lose skin if their weight loss is gradual instead of extreme. And that the skin will shape up a lot after the weight is kept off for several years. Skin is stretchy and slow to "recuperate".

    However, at proper weight and healthy is much better than unhealthy because of a fat body.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    I have purposely slowed down my weight loss in the hopes that my skin will keep up.

    I already have some and still have a long way to go. It's very depressing.

    I think that when you're young, there's a much better chance it'll snap back. Skin is more elastic when you're younger. :)
  • cantumelia
    cantumelia Posts: 59 Member
    Well I guess I'm really lucky ;)
    I went from 103kg to 52 (I'm 1'72) and them kept gaining and losing weight (72-85 kg). I'm not young anymore (41) but my skin is not as loose as it could be. Just have two problem areas: neck and arms. Perhaps good genes ;)
    So the procedures I commented before work for me. Nothing really miraculous really but I can see some improvement.
    I'm afraid for the more serious cases only surgery may work.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I'm 30 pounds down with about 40 to go and I'm noticing loose skin now. I'm worried about how it'll look- kind of deflated looking :( my mom previously lost 40ish pounds and my body is reacting like hers did (not good :neutral_face:) so at least I know what's coming.
  • Juju1970
    Juju1970 Posts: 25 Member
    I've lost 130 and the skin bounced back everywhere but my arms. When I look at my mother who has always been pretty thin, she has saggy arms too. I finally decided to get brachioplasty because I wanted to put my new body in some sexy outfits.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited November 2014
    It happens to some people and not to others. My best friend, who gained 100 lbs. during her first pregnancy, had NOTHING extra except a few stretch marks on her rear afterward, and had no loose skin at all. I, who gained 80 lbs. during my first pregnancy at the "bounce-back" age of 19, had a huge hanging flap afterward even down to 105 lbs. with working out, and 17 years later, when I got pregnant with my second, that flap was still there, so I think I gave it a fair trial to determine that it was (is) permanent. ;)

    But I'd rather be thin with an ugly flap than fat with an ugly flap. I can say with absolute assurance, even looking back with an objective eye years later, that my ugly flap was invisible when I was wearing jeans, and without them, I never actually had a complaint. ;) (Even now, at my comparatively quite gigantic weight, when I put on my clothes, it simply doesn't show. Well-fitting underwear - not Spanx or anything crazy, normal underwear - and well-fitting jeans, and it just doesn't show.)
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    I've lost 53 pounds so far, with a fe more to go. I'm happy to say that I don't have much in the way of loose skin. My only problem is my stomach, and I think that has more to do with pregnancies. Stating weight was 186, and I'm at 133 now, and I'm 29