Steps V Walking

I logged a walk I did earlier (and obviously claimed the calories burned!). I have since added the iphone app for 'steps'.
This has now given me another 200+ calories.

I think not only have I got teh cals for the walk, it has now given me 200+ more for steps taken that i had already claimed in the walk??!!

I'm thinking it must be either one or the other.

Anyone help?


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm confused...did you have the iphone app on when you walked? are these steps after your walk?

    You do realize that your calorie goal has some calories built in just for general moving about right? pedometers are great for helping you just be more actively generally...but I wouldn't log those calories...they're already built into your calorie goal...even if you're sedentary there is some allotment for general movement throughout the day.

    Just log deliberate exercise and be conservative.
  • yes I think your right