Long Time MFP user, First Time forum poster

HS553 Posts: 5 Member
edited November 2014 in Introduce Yourself
Hi guys,

I'm a 28 yo male looking to get lean and healthy. I used to run 3x a week, but not so much anymore. Life got busy and I let myself go many times over. I'm 211 lbs, 6'0 ft tall, and I aim to lose 2 pounds a week with a 1460 calorie limit. Have lost 3 lbs so far, but need to get active in the community to learn about what i can do better to improve my results.

I recently purchased the Jawbone up to track my daily activity. I figure if i just move more and cut my calories a little more, i can "afford" to eat that little something as long as i'm within my daily calorie limit.

I'm also starting again for the 100th time. Here are some tips my friends have shared with me and i've learned over time that may help you get into a more permanent, healthier lifestyle change.

1. Take it one day at a time. If you don't meet your goals, don't beat yourself up. Just acknowledge it and move on...stick to the plan.

3. Start the day off on a good note. I usually have a smoothie with kale in it (i know, gross) but you get used to it and it's good for you. Not to mention, it's also filling. It helps me stay away from sugar later in the day.

4. Hydrate...drink lots of water.

6. If you encounter temptation, don't say "i can't have this or that," instead say to yourself "I can have it and I choose not to, or I don't want it"-change your mindset. you're not depriving yourself, you're controlling yourself.

6. Walk at least 30 mins a day if you can. just ordered a pedometer to track my steps :) aiming for 10,000 steps 3 days/week.

7. Sleep at least 6-8 hours. If you sleep less than 6 hours, you will want more sugar (energy) while your awake.

8. record everything you eat and drink, even if its calorie free. This will help you get into the habit of keeping a diary.

Here's wishing you all the best of luck! :)

Your fellow MFPer!,