Conflicted and I Need Help!



  • sydneydeb
    sydneydeb Posts: 93 Member
    Weight Watchers, like MFP does work but you have to be 100% honest with yourself with your tracking. Guessing food values is not good enough, as others have said get a good set of food scales, I find digital are the best and weigh everything. I weight all my meat/ fish/ chicken before I freeze it so I know exactly what it weighs. A woman I know even portions out all her cereal and has it in small zip lock bags.

    Set realistic goals for yourself, I know I'd like to loose 2 kg a week, I also know that it's wishful thinking and is going to set myself up for disappointment.

    Yes I would suggest you start cooking your own meals, it will give you accountability and teach you good eating habits. Maybe find recipes that cater for 4 and freeze the other 3 portions. I always try to get an extra serve out of any dish I freeze so dish up one portion and divide the remainder to still get 4 to freeze. It won't make each dish much smaller but will cut down just that little bit on calories.

    Good luck and stick with it.
  • fluffyasacat
    fluffyasacat Posts: 242 Member
    edited November 2014
    LOSE rhymes with snooze, means to be rid of something.
    LOOSE rhymes with caboose, means not tight.

    I don't want to embarrass anyone. This is a weight loss site, and this is going to come up in almost every thread.
  • mariss323 wrote: »
    Hi everyone!

    Years ago I joined Weight Watchers with my mom and over the course of about 2 1/2 years I lost around 80 pounds. Life eventually got in the way and I stopped going. I thought I could continue doing the program on my own but I couldn't. Life still went on and I went on as if I could still try and do the program, even if it was partially. Fast forward and I had gained everything I had lost back and then some.

    This past summer I was tired of this and decided enough was enough. After discussing my options, I decided to try Beachbody 21 Day Fix and after 3 months without much success, I stopped doing it and joined Weight Watchers (in August) because it had worked in the past. I am coming up on having been a member of Weight Watchers again for almost 3 months and I have seen very little progress, which is extremely frustrating to me.

    I feel very lost, and as if this maybe doesn't really work? In the past, when I did the program, I ate a lot of processed foods because they were low in points. This time around they are encouraging lots of fruits and veggies, lean proteins, etc. and less processed foods. I have always enjoyed eating fruits but not so much veggies so I tend to only have one serving a day of them, if that.

    I also have a Smart Ones meal almost daily for lunch. Is it possible that this could be hindering my progress? I do still have processed things, but not as frequently as I used to. So I am wondering why I am not seeing the scale budge.

    I recently signed up for an online exercise challenge in which weekly meals are also included. They are "clean". The exercises include strength training and HIIT with 2 rest days. I have been doing the low-impact HIIT for reasons based on I know I will fail based at my current weight and throw in the towel; however, the person running challenge said it's ok to try something harder and to not finish it.

    I am very conflicted. I know not to expect massive amounts of weight loss, as it didn't take me a short while to put the weight on. But after 6 months of not much success, I don't know what to do.

    Time is a big factor for me, as I work full-time and go to school part-time in the evenings. Free time is often spent doing school work. This is not an excuse but my present reality.

    What are your thoughts? What are your tips/advice? Should I keep paying for something that maybe isn't working? I just want to see results. My goal is to lose 4-5 lbs/month. I think that is reasonable. My current weight is 264.8. No, I'm not proud of this. But I have to own it in order to make changes.

    What should a daily nutritional intake look like for me?

    Sorry for all of the questions! I just want answers. So that I can make the changes I need to. I've done this once. I can do it again. I just don't know how. Please help me.

    Honestly WW is a scam that takes advantage of people who lack self motivation and a willingness to count calories. Their "point system" is a way to hook you so you can't leave/have to come back after regaining weight (which most do).

    Learn how to count calories with MFP for free. Consume less that your TDEE and lose weight.

    The truth is that the WW point system uses a lot of estimation and averages to promote consumption of certain foods. Of course it is possible to gain weight by eating a large amount of fruit.

    Not all WW foods with equal points have the same caloric content! WW will not teach how to calculate your TDEE, how to run or how to lift with proper form. They will teach your their point system (fuzzy math) and provide cheerleaders at group meeting as long as you keep paying them to do so.