Juicing and nausea

LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
Not a weight loss question or a "detox" question, please. But the 3 or 4 times I have tried drinking juice made from a juicer, I became severely nauseated within minutes. These were always fruit/veg combinations: I think some apple, beet, carrot, spinach or parsley. The stuff has always tasted ok, but every time I became violently ill to the point of throwing up. I don't think it was spoilage or an allergic reaction as I eat these things all the time. The only thing I have been able to find on the subject says if you are new to juicing it is important to start with a 50/50 juice water combination because the nutrients are too concentrated and can give people trouble. Does this make sense? And did anyone out there ever experience a problem drinking fresh juices?


  • I have a similar reaction when I eat a lot of fresh veggies, like big salads or veggie sushi rolls on an empty stomach. It's like my stomach really wants a solid protein to go with it.

    With juicing, the flavors are probably stronger than they would be if you ate the whole vegetable. Do you think it's your sense of taste/smell that's making you nauseated? It could also be the concentrated amount of sugars or certain nutrients. I would try the 50/50 water dilution and switch out the types of fruits/veggies you're using to see if one in particular might be causing you trouble.
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    Try keeping the ingredients down to 1 to 3 things, such as apple, parsley, ginger. Maybe also add a bit of ginger root, it is good for stomach upset.
  • habit365
    habit365 Posts: 174
    My first guess would be too much parsley. I would knock that out once and see if it makes any difference.
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    Thanks very much for the answers. I love store bought vegetable juices and I have never gotten sick from them. Maybe it's the raw factor. Something that normally would be neutralized in the cooking process is what makes me queasy? I like the nutrition aspect of drinking fresh-made juices and maybe will try watering it down if i ever try it again.