Those last few pounds

I was wondering how long it took you to lose those last 3-5 pounds. It seems to be taking me forever until my current goal!


  • r5d5
    r5d5 Posts: 219 Member
  • r5d5
    r5d5 Posts: 219 Member
  • It is supposed to take forever! The last few pounds are hard to lose and you need to really work on things to lose them. Have your deficit at 0.5lb per week and really concentrate on diet and exercise.
  • cmbauer99
    cmbauer99 Posts: 184 Member
    This is interesting. When we say the last few pounds are the hardest. How does our body know? It makes no sense. I have been struggling to lose the last 6 pounds to MY GOAL and its dragging for like what feels like 2 months. So is it all mental? Do we tend to losing up our diet? I know my exercise hasnt changed a bit. I am still busting my *kitten* like crazy.
  • AcadianRedneck
    AcadianRedneck Posts: 6 Member
    Same here ... at 5 lbs off my target and just can't seem to git 'er done. :\
  • retrolina
    retrolina Posts: 14 Member
    I'm almost there as well! Originally just wanted to shed 2 kgs, but now I'm more focused on what I'm seeing in the mirror. I'm 5'9" started at 58kgs, now down to 56kgs after 6 weeks on the Insanity program (the last 4 weeks I have been counting my calories, trying to eat approx. 1800 calories per day). I think it helps to build up muscle, so that it might not be an exact number you're trying to reach, but rather have the body you always wanted!!
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    I am at about my last six until my original goal. I am not sure if it is that I am closer now or just due to the holiday season, but I can see I have been slacking. I get all my workouts in, but have more days where I am not keeping my deficit. I think it is somewhat of a mental thing for me.

    I think part of it for me to is I have faith they will come off and I do not stress if it takes a bit longer than I wanted. I know what I need to do to lose weight. I do not really stress if life comes into play and I am eating more than usual. I know I will get back to it.
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    Those last few pounds have stuck to me like glue, and they are driving me nuts.

    I am also unreasonably resentful that the more we lose, the less we weigh, so we have to eat EVEN LESS. I've changed up my exercise and temporarily changed my macros to more protein and fat, with less carbs.

    And then there is the holiday season alcohol and yummy foods.

    I guess there's always next year.
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 683 Member
    im 5-7lbs off my goal its taking forever
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    gizmo_2014 wrote: »
    It is supposed to take forever! The last few pounds are hard to lose and you need to really work on things to lose them. Have your deficit at 0.5lb per week and really concentrate on diet and exercise.

    And also start to do all those things you haven't done because you were fat.