AeroPilates Machine

So I just bought myself an Aero Pilates machine and im trying to figure out how to log it under exercise. I plan to buy a HR monitor soon but until then I would like to log something. Anything thoughts as to what to put it under on MSP?


  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
  • Flea_1977
    Flea_1977 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I also have an aeropilates machine but I also have a HRM. Normally I use the HRM to track my exercise but I just did a search for pilates in the cardio exercises database and when I did the calculations (my weight + minutes of pilates) the output is very close to what my HRM says. So you might be able to track it that way until you have your HRM. Hope that helps :-)