What type of exercise for obese women



  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Walking. A simple, effective, and total body workout.
  • llUndecidedll
    llUndecidedll Posts: 724 Member
    I started at a weight higher than you.... I was 305+ lbs this past summer.

    I started exercising by walking and using Leslie Sansone's DVDs before I purchased a gym membership. I now walk on the treadmill, pedal on the elliptical and stationary bike, and also lift weights.

  • justalittlecrazy
    justalittlecrazy Posts: 88 Member
    I started at 335 and am now 306. I walk a lot and I mean a lot! Get good shoes and watch for shin splints. Take a day off if you need to to let them heal up. I started off walking a mile or 2 each day very slowly but keep getting faster and faster. Ellipticals and treadmills are great, too, but I am taking advantage of every nice day to be outside and walking before its too cold.
  • dearannna
    dearannna Posts: 60 Member
    I am 320 at the moment and started up close to 400. I go to the gym 5 days a week for a mixture of weight training (I do heavy weights because I dont like to do lots of reps - plus it feels badass lifting my own bodyweight!) and classes including circuits, step and straight aerobics. Like me you're going to be wanting to keep your program going for a long time so I would say the most important thing is to find what you enjoy and you are comfort able with. With the extra weight we are carrying it is important to listen to your body and if something is not working for you then just stop and do something else. Personally I cannot do lunges because they damage my knees, and have a policy never to do a burpee because I hate them :-)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Start at the beginning - diet.

    Make sure your calorie intake is reasonable/appropriate. No exercise plan in the world will help if you're eating more than you should be.

    Assuming your intake is where it should be, exercise can be about whatever you want. Ideally you'll want a nice mix of strength training and moderate intensity steady state cardio. Strength training can be as simple as body weight exercises and/or resistance bands right on up to a dedicated gym routine with free weights. It all depends on what you enjoy, what you're comfortable with, and what you have access too. Same with cardio - a brisk walk can be more than sufficient, or you can swim, eliptical, group exercise classes, etc.

    At this point your focus should be getting your intake correct and getting some exercise. How you do those things is largely up to you.
  • mommyofanangelboy
    mommyofanangelboy Posts: 68 Member
    I was just into the "obese range" for my weight after having my son when my weight stopped going down post partum..Being busy and a new mommy, I decided to use wii fit. I did the strength training and yoga exercises and then exercised for at least 40 minutes using the step aerobics. Somedays I would add in hulahooping. It got me down 25 pounds. My husband & I would occasionally walk the park which is about 45 minutes long so that helps too. as long as you are building up a sweat (or feeling the burn in your muscles) for half an hour a day, I'd say it's a good exercise. good luck :)
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    Anything that will get you moving, and keep you moving!

    I started at 325, the first few weeks I just walked, I needed to get my body used to doing something before pushing too much. Then I started swimming in laps. Swimming was one of the best things I could have done for myself, it built up my endurance so much and really help to shed the pounds. I also got an indoor bike around that time. After a couple of months of that I got a regular gym membership and started doing all sorts of things, including strength training (free weights, body weight & a bit of machine weights. Now I still love walking & swimming, but I'm really enjoying biking and the elliptical. I've also been slowly working in some running, but I had a foot injury a couple months ago and I'm now just able to do it again.

    So really, do whatever you enjoy and good luck!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Swim, swim, swim.

    Nothing burns more calories than swimming. It's also easy on the joints, doesn't make you feel hot and sweaty and is one exercise where the fat doesn't hold you back.

    When I was 250 pounds, there is no way I could've run. Some people can, but it couldn't. I'm about 180 now and find it difficult. But I swam just fine.

    If you don't like wearing a bathing suit, get a one-piece jogger...and get over yourself. :)
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    FWIW, I have never, not once, gotten anything unkind from anyone about my body in the pool. I wear a standard competition women's bathing suit and am a size 22.

    I have gotten a lot of discussions about technique and swimming and that sort of thing, so basically, swimmers are a pretty accepting lot.