Starting all over again

Restarting a journey from a year and a half ago. Lost 30 lbs, and gained back 21.

Tired of feeling bad about myself. Wanting to start a life journey. Would like to lose at least 30 lbs again by May, as that will be a dress fitting for my wedding in October.

However, I don't want to just lose weight for the wedding. I want to learn how to keep this weight off forever and be healthy.

My plan is for 1800 calories a day, working out at least 90 minutes per week. Increasing this gradually.

My main goal is to learn to eat right. My eating habits are very poor. If I see food, I must eat it, even if I am not hungry or just ate. Others around me influence my decisions, for example, if someone is eating a cheeseburger, I will want a cheeseburger.

Nutritional guidance is what I need.

Thank you for reading, please feel free to friend me.
25 from South Jersey