fitbit steps

Can someone direct me to the instructions for getting the FitBit steps to appear on MFP? It does the calculation as to additional calories if applicable, but no where on MFP is it tracking my steps.

Any assistance is appreciated.


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Look at the fitbit app for step tracking - it has far more information there regarding your actual movement, times, rate

    and also gives averages over time eg TDEE etc
  • Ideabaker
    Ideabaker Posts: 517 Member
    Yes, just (from MFP) choose the "Apps" tab, and underneath, fitbit will show up. Just download it following the instructions, and you should be all good! Enjoy. I use Fitbit and MFP together, and love the way they sync up! :)
  • rbrankamp
    rbrankamp Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks! I've synced it and am hoping it gets me and keeps me motivated!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I swear I've seen the Fitbit steps appear on MFP but I'm pretty sure it's only the phone app, not on the website. The website will just show the added calories, as you've already seen.
  • bonniepwest
    bonniepwest Posts: 30 Member
    I use the website only, not the phone, and it says my Fitbit is connected, but not even the added calories show up. Is it only on the phone app? That's disappointing.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I use the website only, not the phone, and it says my Fitbit is connected, but not even the added calories show up. Is it only on the phone app? That's disappointing.
    No, but the phone app is the only place that MFP shows the steps from Fitbit in addition to any extra calories. MFP should show any extra calories you've earned depending on how you have it set up.

    I have my activity set to Sedentary in MFP. That means that my daily calorie goal is lower and activity will earn me extra calories to eat. If you have your activity level in MFP set at lightly active or active, it's very possible that it would take a lot of steps for you to earn "extra" calories for your daily movement. Since MFP is already giving you more calories based on your projected higher activity level it would take more Fitbit activity to earn additional calories.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    SueInAz wrote: »
    I use the website only, not the phone, and it says my Fitbit is connected, but not even the added calories show up. Is it only on the phone app? That's disappointing.
    No, but the phone app is the only place that MFP shows the steps from Fitbit in addition to any extra calories. MFP should show any extra calories you've earned depending on how you have it set up.

    I have my activity set to Sedentary in MFP. That means that my daily calorie goal is lower and activity will earn me extra calories to eat. If you have your activity level in MFP set at lightly active or active, it's very possible that it would take a lot of steps for you to earn "extra" calories for your daily movement. Since MFP is already giving you more calories based on your projected higher activity level it would take more Fitbit activity to earn additional calories.

    If you have MFP set to "allow negative calorie adjustment" and your activity level is Lightly Active, your calories will decrease if you have not moved enough to warrant the calories when Fitbit is synced. On weekends and days like today where I'm home due to a snow storm so sleep in, I often start the day with less calories than I do on "normal" days. I have to work at it to get up to my normal daily calorie goal.

    So basically two ways of dealing with the same thing.

  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    edited November 2014
    You can find it in the reports tab. Click on fitbit steps from the report dropdown menu and then choose your reporting period.
  • rbrankamp
    rbrankamp Posts: 13 Member
    Day one - 9488 steps! Yeah... so close, but now too dark. Guess I could run around the house. I did find it in reports and my calories adjusted today. Just takes some poking around on the site. I so appreciate everyone's input and assistance. Just so everyone knows, just having your responses has helped me smile today and know I'm not alone and can do this. Perhaps I've found the place for the support I need. I'm so excited!
  • twinzmom172
    twinzmom172 Posts: 33 Member
    My steps show on my phone app, but on my computer it only calculates the calories earned.
  • rbrankamp
    rbrankamp Posts: 13 Member
    That's what I found too. I'm getting used to the system now. I focus on MFP for my overall plan which includes the steps. The Fitbit has been very insightful to bad sleep patterns and keeping me motivated to move! Fingers crossed...this will be a great addition to a changed lifestyle.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Here's a link to the FitBit Users group:

    Lots of info there.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    rbrankamp wrote: »
    Day one - 9488 steps! Yeah... so close, but now too dark. Guess I could run around the house. I did find it in reports and my calories adjusted today. Just takes some poking around on the site. I so appreciate everyone's input and assistance. Just so everyone knows, just having your responses has helped me smile today and know I'm not alone and can do this. Perhaps I've found the place for the support I need. I'm so excited!
    Happy to help! Sometimes when I have only a few hundred steps left I'll walk around the house, chase the dogs or even jump up and down a hundred times. Whatever it takes, right?!

    Funny story, my sister has had one for awhile and recently bought one for her husband. It's now become a competition between them as to who gets the most steps every day. They go on walks together when they get home from work and my 11 year old niece now asks as soon as she gets home how many steps they have and whether they are going on a walk. Apparently, she likes the alone time while they are out of the house! :) The really funny part... They were out with friends when my sister discovered that her husband, who was sitting and talking with friends, had clipped his Fitbit to the back of her shirt because she was walking around. Cheater!!
  • indianwin2001
    indianwin2001 Posts: 296 Member
    rbrankamp wrote: »
    Day one - 9488 steps! Yeah... so close, but now too dark. Guess I could run around the house. I did find it in reports and my calories adjusted today. Just takes some poking around on the site. I so appreciate everyone's input and assistance. Just so everyone knows, just having your responses has helped me smile today and know I'm not alone and can do this. Perhaps I've found the place for the support I need. I'm so excited!

    I find myself walking around the house every night between 11-12 just to get to the next 1000 step level. 1 day my wife is gonna wake up and have me committed- :D
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    I'm looking for more friends on Fitbit too!
  • rbrankamp
    rbrankamp Posts: 13 Member
    Indianawin2001 - do you find walking on carpet to be a issue?