Starting Over

I started Fitness Pal in January of 2014 and did amazing. I was 170 and lost ten pounds by May, My goal was 155 and I was 160. Everything was going great.. I started getting tired of the routine, and decided to try it on my own without needing to count every bite. It didn’t work, and it has been so hard trying to get back into the groove of counting and pre planning every bite. I weighed at the end of October and I weighed 174.5… I cried and my loving husband (who can’t gain weight and stays at 128-132) just held me and said I was beautiful no matter what.. AWE! Love him. We want to start a family and start trying October 2015- my doctor said I could have healthy pregnancy (because I had one before that didn’t end well) but being healthy would increase the chances. I decided to try this cabbage soup Detox all last week... And it was horrible... But I did it and lost 4.6 pounds in 7 days. If anything it taught me I had amazing Will Power. I passed up Halloween Candy, Baby shower cake and ate no sweets, no cheese, no bread/pasta no pop, and no beer/wine. I feel great this morning and I am ready for my journey. I can do this... And I will do this. I turn 30 this May and I would like to reach my goal of 155 by May 16th- but my overall goal (government standards of what is my healthy weight) would be to be 140. Here goes round two- This time I won’t quit!!!
If anyone needs more friend Add me, I know I could use more support!!!


  • circlex
    circlex Posts: 3 Member
    I feel your pain. I dropped from 225 down to 189, on my way to a 185 target. Then, a two week vacation, the holiday season, and the addition of a full-time school regimen to my full-time work schedule. Now, I'm staring at 212 on the scale and lamenting all the hard work that slipped away. I just look at it that if we did it before, we can do it again.

    As far as cleanses go, well, you may want to stay away from them. The human body is a self-cleaning machine. You don't have to do anything special. If you stop putting things in that you don't want, your body will purge them in a short amount of time. Just come up with a sustainable plan and stick with it, and remember to leave your self a little room to enjoy eating. Every day doesn't need to be a home run.
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 562 Member
    Congrats on getting restarted! Feel free to add me for support.
  • lynnweil1985
    lynnweil1985 Posts: 32 Member
    circlex wrote: »
    I feel your pain. I dropped from 225 down to 189, on my way to a 185 target. Then, a two week vacation, the holiday season, and the addition of a full-time school regimen to my full-time work schedule. Now, I'm staring at 212 on the scale and lamenting all the hard work that slipped away. I just look at it that if we did it before, we can do it again.

    As far as cleanses go, well, you may want to stay away from them. The human body is a self-cleaning machine. You don't have to do anything special. If you stop putting things in that you don't want, your body will purge them in a short amount of time. Just come up with a sustainable plan and stick with it, and remember to leave your self a little room to enjoy eating. Every day doesn't need to be a home run.
    The cleansing is over.. but i didn't follow it the way it wanted me too because some of the things just sounded un healthy. probably why I only lost 4.6 instead of the 10-12 it said I could. I am still happy I did it, it showed that I have the willpower and the drive.. and I think I needed to show myself that more than anything. :)
  • Yasbox45
    Yasbox45 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm back after gaining almost half of what I lost over a 2.5 year period in just over 12 m. It's really tough, motivation is rock solid for a week or so then just withers and before I know it I can't bear look at myself.
    I yoyo'd on a low carb -30g eating plan all summer - losing 7 lbs easily then gaining them then losing. It was pretty a miserable experience.
    I'm trying hard to eat a good varied diet but am fining it really tough going. My most successful weightloss has been low carb high fat but it doesn't fit in with family life. Trouble is, I have gotten used to the high fat and wouldn't dream of buying [well eating] processed or low fat foods ever again.
    Guess I will have to train like an athlete to be able to eat what I want !