My Story - The aim to lose 3.9 stone.

Hello Everyone,

Starting the Fitness Regime again today. Basically in 2012 I dropped around 3 stone in 6 months - I was 23/24 back then, no care in the world. I promised myself then that I would never gain the weight back. Unfortunately, as is usually the story, it happened and before December that year I had gained a stone and by February I was nearly at the same weight again.

I've always struggled with my weight, I fall in the catagory of being shorter than my friends and thus having to work that extra bit harder to keep the bulge off (It sounds like an excuse but plenty of people that I know who are tall rarely put on weight and if they do they seemingly can hide it a bit better.)

2013, I was riding 25 miles a day to work, I didn't change my eating habits so the weight didn't fall off as quick but I was still losing. Then, I got a new job in the city - I wouldn't dare ride my bike along the busy road to the new job. The weight piled on.

Here I am a year later, currently at the heaviest I've ever weighed in my life. I'm pretty miserable about it to be honest. Its affected my confidence and my ability to feel good when Im out with friends or at work.

Enough is Enough, its time for a change.

Today, I switched on the app for the first time in donkeys years and started on my road back. I aim to lose around 25kg (3.9 stone) over the course of the next year. If my calculations are correct that means I need to lose 2 pounds a week for the next 27 weeks. The journey will be long but the reward will be worth it.

No more excuses.


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    Congratulations for your resolution and welcome back to MFP.

    I have a similar experience.
    I found out, if I stopped counting calories, my weight will go up again. I envy people who can manage to keep a healthy weight without counting calories. God bless them. unfortunately I do need to count calories. MFP tool is great help.
    Good luck in your healthy journey
  • Samkennerley
    Samkennerley Posts: 7 Member
    Day 2 - Gym - 30 mins of weights including Leg Extension at 40lbs, Leg pushes at 40lb, 8lb curls, a couple of burpees; Rowing 10 mins on 10 resistance (2300 metres?) 10 mins on Treadmill - 150 calories, 11 mins on Cross Trainer 150 calories. Total time 1.15 mins in Gym.
  • Samkennerley
    Samkennerley Posts: 7 Member
    Swimming - 30 mins. Day off from the gym.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Nothing seems to trigger weight loss more than a sudden drop in physical activity. For some reason we never remember to adjust our eating before it's too late! You're definitely not alone in your situation - you'll do great here!
  • Samkennerley
    Samkennerley Posts: 7 Member
    Day 4 hammered the gym hard - 30 mins on treadmill 450 calories, 100 calories on the bike and 300 calories on the cross trainer - decided to give my arms a rest on the weights for tonight ;) onwards and upwards! Feeling positive about week one and excited for my first weigh in on Monday!
  • DaniTronMcNally
    DaniTronMcNally Posts: 44 Member
    That's awesome, I've been on and off here so many times it's almost a habit. This monday I jumped back on and I intend to stay here. I've been 'clean' eating since then, remembering to have breakfast and doing really well! If you need support add me
  • Samkennerley
    Samkennerley Posts: 7 Member
    Took a small break just before Christmas but back on the horse and now nearly one stone lighter! Already seeing the difference!
  • penneysfit
    penneysfit Posts: 97 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss!
  • Samkennerley
    Samkennerley Posts: 7 Member
    18lbs as of today. Only another Stone and a half until I'm at 3 and then I can slow my pace down! Already feel a million times better!