Anyone else struggle with weekends?



  • sylkates
    sylkates Posts: 173 Member
    edited November 2014
    I just realized this past weekend a solution to this: Yes, you have more desires/opportunities to eat overcalorie on the weekend. But at least for me, I also have more free time!

    I go to the gym in the morning or afternoon. Or if there's not enough time for that, I at least get my heart pumping with a fast run around my neighborhood. I also found that since I wake up later in the morning, I can get away with having a smaller breakfast since there aren't 6 hours between my weekend wakeup time and lunch the way there is on a weekday for me.

    I also found out this weekend that the gym is blissfully empty on Friday nights and apparently all day Sunday. :)
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    I love weekends! So much less stressful than weekdays. Easier to do my own thing without all the pressures of work and early mornings and classes and obligations and running from one place to another.

    It sounds like your issue isn't so much with weekends, but with control. In other words, weekdays are fine because you have so much more control over your meal planning, but weekends are less tightly scheduled so it's easier for you to get off track.

    I look at it like a trust exercise. Can you I go of the control thing a little bit and still trust myself not to go over on calories? I feel like that's a life skill I need to master if I'm going to have success in the long run. Because life is messy and unpredictable like that, and it's important to be able to roll with the punches without overeating.

    Stick with it -- it gets easier!