If I increase my cals, will my body eventually get used to that amount maintain my weight?



  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    I'm guessing that estimate works more for women than men. I'm a guy and am mostly sedentary. At anything less than 15 cal/lb I would lose weight, and I'm maintaining at about 18 cal/lb.

    Interesting, since the BMR is around 10 cal/lb and then the multiplier is about 1.2 for sedentary. Women are slightly lower so 18/lb is pretty high for maintenance.
  • SweatLikeDog
    SweatLikeDog Posts: 272 Member
    If you eat more calories than you need, you will turn the extra calories into fat. You can get used to getting fatter if that is your wish. Was there more to your question?