My medical Scare.

I have been making great progress since I started this journey. So lately I have been thinking allot about what triggered me to finally make a change. I have been so overwhelmed with emotion because of this that I have to share. What started it all was the day after my nineteenth birthday I woke up fine but as the day went I started feeling like I was talking weird. At this point I have had a weird metallic taste in my mouth for a few days but just thought I had a bug or something. Towards the end of the day the feeling that I was talking weird got worse so I went to my grandmother and she instantly saw it. Half of my face had started to droop. It was still minor so I wasn't freaking out to much but than she called my mom in the room. In one moment my whole world had changed. As soon as I opened my mouth to tell her I was fine I could feel it and see the look on her face.What started as a minor droop was now so severe they could barely understand me. My mom started crying and screaming (shes not good in an emergency at least not this one) so my younger siblings ran in the room. My sisters started crying instantly. All of the crying and screaming made me break and start balling. My mom rushed me to the ER and it was the shortest wait time ever because they thought I was having a stroke. They did an EKG and then put me in a room to stay overnight. This was the first time I have ever stayed overnight in a hospital where I was the patient. They wouldn't let anyone stay which my mom did not like at ALL. I'm not one to push or speak up so I told it was fine for her to go but I was really scarred and the whole night didn't sleep at all. The next morning she didn't get there in time so I had to get three MRI without her which was the scariest thing I have ever done. Luckily between the no sleep and the Valium they gave my (I have panic attacks) I slept through the whole thing which lasted about an hour. After all of the tests( they did allot more than I mentioned) they didn't now what was wrong with me. Finally they diagnosed me with Bells Palsy. I went home that night I prayed my face would return to normal. The doctors told me it could take up to six months for that to happen but luckily a few weeks later I was perfectly fine. When they were doing all of those test I just new something had to come back bad. I was over 100 lbs overweight I thought there is no way I am healthy. But to my surprise it wasn't to late. All of my tests came back normal and they said I was still in good health. I thought about this day for a few months but it wasn't until I moved in with my grandmother (who as too many medical problems to list most of which stem from her weight) that I decided to change. I joined a gym than thankfully found this site and now a month and a half into my long journey i have lost 23 lbs and feel so much better about myself. I don't cry when I look in the mirror anymore. I am still not happy with the way I look but now I know that this is a temporary stage and I will reach my goal body.

I don't think this was very motivational but I had to get this out and this seemed like the best place. I do hope it helps someone though.


  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    That would have been terrifying for you, a good friend of mine got Bells Palsy and his lasted for quite a few months. It's so scary that they can't predict how it will go.

    It's amazing how something like that can wake you up and change your mindset, things that seemed unsurmountable now seem do-able, and things that seemed like the end of the world (like being overweight) now are put in perspective.

    Good for you for the 23lbs lost and for the change in mindset. I'm very glad for you that you made a full recovery.
  • Wronkletoad
    Wronkletoad Posts: 368 Member
    that's really frightening. keep fighting - you're really getting there.

    thank you for sharing such a harrowing tale. and so glad that you're on a positive road. Keep going! through good days and not-so-good: each step is worth it.

    And again: so glad you're pulling through and made it through that really frightening story!

    but: you realized the attribute Strength. You now know it's there. You can draw on it, grow it, and use it!

    Positive vibes!!