

  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    You don't "get rid" of them. All of the pictures in my profile are of me, and I am covered in stretch marks from my son. (no, the photos are not airbrushed). It takes time for them to fade, and they will never be completely gone without surgery. That said, I used Elastin 3 stretch mark cream after my son, and it made a HUGE improvement. I know it worked, because I used it on my belly stretch marks and not the ones on my hips, and to this day, the hip marks are significantly more ugly and noticeable than the ones on my stomach.

  • Fantabulosity1
    Well well well. I'm still trying to lose the baby weight after 19 years ( :p ) so will Elastin 3 work for me?
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    What's the quality of the camera? My cousin is a professional photographer and in her pictures of me at my sister's wedding you could see the stretch marks on my boobs. They didn't exist in the point and shoot camera photos.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Where would you buy Elastin 3?
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    even with surgery you cant get rid of them. I watched some woman get liposuction and cosmetic surgery to get rid of them.the plastic surgeon told her that you cant get rid of them. you can make them look less noticeable. but they are tears under the skin where the skin had stretched too far(like a rubber band) and if you dont have enough elasticity you will most likely end up with them.

    They arent genetic like people claim them to be or at least in my family thats crap lol. my mom had 5 kids(she is thin anyway) and she doesnt have any stretchmarks. 4 out of the 5 of us had kids and have them, and the other one has them from weight grandma(moms mom)didnt have them and my dads mom didnt have them either.

    you can buy products to fade and help reduce the appearance but you cant heal them or get rid of them no matter what product/treatment
    you use.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Not everyone gets strech marks. I didn't get any with a pregnancy nor weight gain. I do have a wobbily tummy though, left over from a weight gain.
  • Fantabulosity1
    Thanks for the info everyone. I guess me and my stretch marks will be friends for a while. I'll work on their visibility and roll with them... ;)