New guy!

Hey guys, my name is Travis. I'm 20 years old and currently weight 275 pounds. Now I don't know how this whole page really works so please let me know if I do anything wrong. I decided after pathetically attempting to tie my shoes and losing breath from bending over that it's time for me to lose weight. My whole love I've been bigger than most people around my age. It got worse and worse and my relation ship went along (nothing against her, I love her to death). So recently I've completely cut out soda and sugary drinks. I drink wanted and milk. A lot of each. And my meals have been cut down a lot. I eat around 6 times a day. A couple eggs and asparagus with a glass of milk. A snack a few hours later, a salad, fruit cup and a serving of vegetables for lunch, another snack a couple hours later, and a small portion of dinner. Since I've been eating healthy I have noticed any changes in me at all. A little more energy but that's it. So starting last week I started going to the gym. All I've been doing is cardio. I run until I can't any more at 6mph, usaly a mile and a quarter. And the next day I switch to cycling. And I bike 8-10 miles at no less than 100 Rpms. So I don't know how much calories I burn or even if I'm working out like I should. I alternate the running and cycling ever other day and take a weekend day off. So if you guys could red this and let me know what you guys think, how I can lose weigh better and or faster and if my eating sounds right. Thank you guys so much I can't wait for the responses!


  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    edited November 2014
    Congratulations on your decision to get healthier!

    The first thing you need to know is that most of what you've heard about weight-loss is crap. The truth is, it's just calories in, calories out. You just have to eat fewer calories than your body uses. Period.

    In order to do that, you first have to know how much you burn. There's a ton of calculators online which will calculate the average calories burned by a person of your size and activity level. You can also get a fitness tracker like a Fitbit which will count your steps and tell you about how many calories you burn.

    Once you have an idea how much you burn, you just have to make sure you eat less than that. Get a digital food scale and weigh everything you eat. That way you know how much you're really eating. And you won't have to deprive yourself by cutting calories more than you need to, or cutting out foods that you really love.

    It sounds like your diet might be pretty restrictive. That's probably not actually necessary. Also, the milk has a lot of great nutrients but it also has a lot of calories.

    I think if you do a bit of research on this forum, you'll have a much better idea of the best way to go about this in a way that is sustainable and won't make you crazy, guilty or deprived.
  • Thank you for the quick reply, I honestly eat very few calories, even before I started eating healthy. But I've ALWAYS gained weight. So I figured that eating healthier would work. Everything I eat (I added it all up) is around 1800 calories on the higher side. And this website said i burn 2700 calories. If that's true I'm 1000 calories down a day.... If that's the case I have no idea how I'm not losing weight
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Are you weighing your portions or eyeballing them? Eyeballing absolutely does not work. Even measuring cups fail for anything that isn't liquid.
  • The only thing I eat that I would need to measure are the asparagus in the morning, and the salad at lunch
  • FullLifeNeil
    FullLifeNeil Posts: 50 Member
    welcome! This is a journey. Remember you didn't gain the weight quickly, don't try to lose it too quickly. Don't starve yourself…give yourself the energy to workout. Don't drop your calories too low.
  • ankdworak
    ankdworak Posts: 336 Member
    Happy to support in any way I can. Feel free to add me. ankdworak