Lunch Ideas for those of us who pack!



  • H3TR0
    H3TR0 Posts: 87
    ---Homemade soups

    What kind of soups? Do you have any recipes you could share?
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    today's lunch is:

    3 slices of lunch meat
    100g of zuccini
    28g of herb goat cheese
    2tbsps greek olive hummus
    1/2 red bell pepper
  • H3TR0
    H3TR0 Posts: 87
    I always take 4 oz. of lean protein (chicken, tuna, salmon, pork tenderloin, flank steak.....), a one cup serving of veggies (yam, salad, steamed squash, green beans.....), greek yogurt and an apple. Basically, "planned-overs" which are left-overs but I plan on them when I cook.

    I love your "planned overs" concept :wink:
  • H3TR0
    H3TR0 Posts: 87
    In the summer I love spinach salad with strawberries, goat cheese, pecans, red onions and maple viniagrette.

    Is the maple vinagrette something you find in a store or do you make it?
  • katiej080810
    I make a chicken salad out of canned chicken with light mayo, chopped up apple, craisins, celery, carrots, etc. and I put it in a pita bread. Another idea is a tuna salad made however you like to season it, I put curry in mine and raisins along with mayo and other veggies and put it on top of a baked sweet potato...the flavors are really nice together. You can cook a sweet potato in the microwave in about five minutes, just don't forget to puncture it first!
    another idea is canned soups with side salad and crackers. Also I do a lot of leftovers and sometimes I will get subway if I feel like treating myself but not very often.
    I also keep 100 cal popcorn in my desk and bring greek yogurt mixed with sliced canned peaches and I bring some other fruits and keep them on my desk so I will reach for them first. :-)
  • H3TR0
    H3TR0 Posts: 87
    I do weekly food prep on Sundays so I can bring my lunch for work as well. I switch it up so I don't get bored so, depending on the week, I will make a big pot of turkey chili, some sort of soup or stew, enchiladas, other casseroles, pasta dishes, etc. then portion it out in tupperware containers for the week. I will also chop up a bunch of veggies and put together a little side salad to go with whatever else I've made (again, in tupperwares for the week so they're ready to grab and go) and I leave salad dressing in the work fridge. I also make sure I always have healthy snacks--apple or some other fruit, granola bar, yogurt, carrots and hummus, etc. Another easy one is to buy a rotisserie chicken from the store. Sometimes I will portion that out for the week or just do it as needed since it's already made and so simple. Since I'm often not in the mood to cook a big dinner after work, I will also prep for dinners by making another big batch from the above list or having recipes prepped to throw in the slow cooker in the mornings.

    Edited for typos.

    Do you have a good turkey chili recipe? I haven't tried it before because I haven't found a good recipe!
  • H3TR0
    H3TR0 Posts: 87
    If you have homemade soups, I really recommend the Lock Lock brand of containers, These really are 100% air tight. I have no fear tossing a container full of soup into my handbag.

    I have never tried those containers, I will have to check them out!!
  • H3TR0
    H3TR0 Posts: 87
    I've never tried those frozen meals, they look pretty gross to me. I'm sure some are alright, but they don't look appealing at all....

    I usually bring left overs from the night before. I try and make enough dinner to always have left overs to bring for lunch. Or I'll pack a Sandwich, PB&J, a wrap using Ezekiel Toritilla, home made salad... Mainly just whatever is left over... even if it's just a bowl of lentils, beans, homemade burrito etc... I also pack a AM and PM snack (fruite, carrots, celery and peanut butter, greek yogurt, nuts etc)... Great topic, I'm always interested in lunch ideas :) I've just realized that I spend sooo much money in food for the week that i HAVE to bring lunch. Not going to waste additional money on eating out. Occasionally, I do treat myself but not everyday like before....

    You're really not missing anything in not trying the frozen meals :wink:

    I hate over-spending and my employer has a cafeteria. You pay for your food with your badge and it is payroll deducted, which sounds lovely, no cash-- out of sight out of mind. But that is the problem! I'll get my "dining statement" for a two week period and will have spent over $60 on lunches alone! Definitely not as cost effective as planning ahead and having leftovers or other pre-planned meals.
  • H3TR0
    H3TR0 Posts: 87
    Besides leftovers from the night before, here's a list of my favorites (sorry if some were already listed!)
    -Greek yogurt
    -string cheese
    -plums (or any fruit but these are my current favorites!)
    -tuna pouch! (i just eat it plain!)
    -shaker cup with protein powder...just fill with water at work:)
    -lettuce wraps
    -tuna salad!
    -babybel cheese
    -carrots and hummus
    -boiled eggs

    I hope this gave you a few ideas!

    Thank you! Great ideas (:
    One silly question though-- I have always wanted to try plums, but I don't know how you eat them-- do you peel them, slice them, eat them with something or plain? I am plum-clueless :wink:
  • H3TR0
    H3TR0 Posts: 87
    I pack the left-overs from the previous day.

    Since I've already calculated the calories from that meal I just put the same amount in the container and write the calories amount on the box. That way I never have to remember how much it had and just add it during microwaving it at work.
    Same thing with the food I freeze, write what it was and the calories I estimated it contained. Helps a lot for tracking calories.

    But I make a lot of food during the evening (one portion for me, one for my daughter, one for work and one for the freezer) so your mileage may vary. ;)

    Any particular meals that never get old?
  • H3TR0
    H3TR0 Posts: 87

    I cook my lunch for the week on Sundays. recipes have 4-6 portions so I have enough for 5 lunches.

    I usually have beans (black, kidney beans), lentils, chickpeas. There are many recipes in the Internet. I put the whole thing on a closed bowl and it goes to the fridge.

    I separately cooked brown rice on one pot and quinoa in another pot. I cooked the quinoa with a couple of bay leaves and some chicken buillon. I also stored the brown rice and the quinoa in separate closed bowls in the fridge.

    every night I get half a cup of the pulses (this week is Lentils with chorizo) in one tight lid container. Separately, I have 1/4 cup of brown rice plus 1/2 cup of quinoa in another tight lid container . sometimes, I take 1 cup soup in another container. I have replaced it with salad for the summer (tomato, cucumber and feta cheese). All four containers fit into my lunch box.

    I am with you on this one. I love making soups. I will make lentil soup with veggies and add organic pink madagascar rice. I make enough for my daughter and I to have for days. She loves the rice and beans :) The only problem with making large portions is that you get tired of it. :/ So I freeze some so I can eat later.

    On portion control: I like to serve myself in a remekin bowl, since I know that is about a cup of soup.

    Great idea about portion control!
  • H3TR0
    H3TR0 Posts: 87
    today's lunch is:

    3 slices of lunch meat
    100g of zuccini
    28g of herb goat cheese
    2tbsps greek olive hummus
    1/2 red bell pepper

    TGIZS --- Thank goodness it's zucchini season :wink:
  • MartialPanda
    MartialPanda Posts: 919 Member
    I love brown rice. Leftover indian food/stews are awesome!
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    One silly question though-- I have always wanted to try plums, but I don't know how you eat them-- do you peel them, slice them, eat them with something or plain? I am plum-clueless :wink:

    You eat a plum just like an apple or a peach or an apricot. Wash it and eat around the pit, or wash it and slice it up. I have never peeled a plum. :)
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    My diet is open for anyone to see. Check my Monday through Friday for lots of ideas.

    Today was a can of sardines.

    Last week I had jalapeno tuna - yummy!

    I frequently have turkey & turkey ham on a 100 calorie deli flat, sometimes with a touch of light mayo or even (mmmm!) guacamole.

    I also take leftover dinner (but a smaller portion) as a great lunch.

    Often, over the weekend, I'll grill up a lb or more of chicken tenders and use them for lunches through the week, either sliced & thrown into a salad with a teaspoon of grated romano cheese or chopped up with some onion and a bit of light mayo for a great chicken salad.
  • Magdaloonie
    Magdaloonie Posts: 146 Member
    My lunch is always leftovers from last night's dinner. It's a good way of keeping things healthy, home cooked, and saving money.
    Me, too, more often than not. Plus I keep extra fruit, maybe some cheese sticks in the little fridge.
    Hardest part is convincing well-meaning co-workers that I do NOT WANT to go out to lunch with them! Not even if they pay! Not even to sip tea/water while they eat the deliciousness! (Sigh. Again today)
  • H3TR0
    H3TR0 Posts: 87
    I make a chicken salad out of canned chicken with light mayo, chopped up apple, craisins, celery, carrots, etc. and I put it in a pita bread. Another idea is a tuna salad made however you like to season it, I put curry in mine and raisins along with mayo and other veggies and put it on top of a baked sweet potato...the flavors are really nice together. You can cook a sweet potato in the microwave in about five minutes, just don't forget to puncture it first!
    another idea is canned soups with side salad and crackers. Also I do a lot of leftovers and sometimes I will get subway if I feel like treating myself but not very often.
    I also keep 100 cal popcorn in my desk and bring greek yogurt mixed with sliced canned peaches and I bring some other fruits and keep them on my desk so I will reach for them first. :-)

    Great ideas! I've never heard of putting tuna salad on a baked sweet potato but now I'm super curious, I must try it!!
  • pyt740
    pyt740 Posts: 4
    WOW!!! good for you. Since I try to cook healthy, I prefer to eat leftovers for lunch.
    Even if I cook bake chicken for dinner, I will make a bake chicken delicious on a wheat roll, leafy greens and

    For snacks I eat nuts almonds or walnuts and fruit, water with lemon. Or to keep it real an occasional soda....
    Bad Girl but the truth.
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    Bumping for when I have a chance to look more.
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    I'm so boring, but it works for me. I usually have 2 oz of chicken breast, grape tomatoes, baby carrots and some red grapefruit. That is my work lunch. I mix it up on the week-ends, but stay fairly consistent during the week.