Been out for a year but I'm back.

Hey what's up! My names Dan, I'm 22 from Liverpool, England.

I started my journey at 310lbs which was over 2 years ago, I tracked up until a year ago and managed to lose 64lbs. Over this past year, a lot happened and I wasn't as good as I should have been, I barely logged on mfp! But, even though life got busy and I didn't eat completely healthy, I didn't go crazy so I stayed at 264lbs.

I'm just looking to get back into the grove of things and shed the extra weight before I move to Barcelona next year so, if you guys wanna add me as a friend and all that jazz then feel free! I'm energetic and hyper a lot of the time but love motivating and helping people so it's a win/win!

I've always been told I'm a man of few words so I'm sorry if this is short but i hope it's sweet aswell!

Cheers guys!