Ideal Protein Dieters



  • Werfam
    Werfam Posts: 29
    knich01 wrote: »
    I have been on Ideal Protein for about 3.5 weeks. Looking for friends/support of anyone else that is on this plan.
    How are you doing on it? I have been on for 4 days and cheated? Now what? Suggestions?
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Werfam wrote: »
    knich01 wrote: »
    I have been on Ideal Protein for about 3.5 weeks. Looking for friends/support of anyone else that is on this plan.
    How are you doing on it? I have been on for 4 days and cheated? Now what? Suggestions?

    Pick a less restrictive diet.
    One that has a reasonable calorie goal and doesn't bar entire food groups.
  • RockstarMomma84
    RockstarMomma84 Posts: 2 Member
    I am on week 2 of the Ideal Protein eating plan and I feel so much better. They really mean it when they say the first week is the hardest. My only problem so far is the my best friends have turned into unsupportive d-bags. It makes me sad because I have always been their for them on their weight lose journeys. Anyone else have this problem?
  • oneuh2
    oneuh2 Posts: 4 Member
    I am on month 8 of my Ideal Protein program and have lost 72 lbs. I am thrilled with the program and determined to make it the last diet I will ever go on.

    I don't care what program you use to lose extra pounds, it's your passion and dedication to the maintenance program that will determine whether you re-gain what you worked so hard to lose.

    Whether Ideal Protein or Nutrisytem or WW or Jenny Craig or IIFYM or Very Low Calorie, Dukan, Scarborough, Atkins, Stillman, SHRED... whatever diet plan you follow can easily run right back to your higher weight unless you watch your intake and exercise closely forever more.

    I am fearful about phasing off of the initial phase of Ideal Protein to maintain - the routine while losing has become pretty easy to follow and it's free of cravings - I'll be doing that phase off when I reach goal weight, sometime in May, I imagine.

    I have lost and regained on every diet program imaginable, and when I then returned to uncontrolled eating behavior I gained weight, no matter which program I used to lose the extra weight. When regain happens, I find that starting up again on something sensible to control my weight - to manage my eating, really, - that's especially hard to do.

    And there is nothing that deflates your sense of self like watching yourself regain most or all the weight you have lost. It is extremely depressing, and easily forms a cycle of emotional eating in response to the depression, gaining pounds from that behavior, which makes you more depressed and more quick to try to eat away the depression and frustration... This whole thing happens with any weight loss program that a person may take up - if you don't embrace the lifestyle change and live the new lifestyle, you will re-gain part or all of your losses, and sometimes gain some new pounds on top of where you were before the last weight loss diet. It is a series of vicious cycles unless you assert yourself on a daily basis to do what is smart, healthy, and controlled.

    So I have selected Ideal Protein to help me turn this pattern of behavior around.
    The best support source while on the diet is the Ideal Protein sub forum on 3 Fat Chicks on a Diet website. I think there is good online support for most diets on 3FC - but anyone looking for online support for Ideal Protein will certainly find a cadre of dedicated users on 3FC.

    Whoever said MFP is not a good support environment - I tend to agree with you -- I am glad to use the tracking tool, but this discussion forum comes nowhere close to the quality and supportiveness of 3FC.
  • jcondeee
    jcondeee Posts: 72 Member
    Feel defeated..... I'm on Phase 1, week 3 and lost 12 pounds. The scale hasnt moved in almost a week. What the heck am I doing wrong.
  • diananohemi
    diananohemi Posts: 1 Member
    Facebook has a great support groups. search for it in the search box and it should up. i follow IP support phase 1 and ideal protein phase 1 love and support. great recipes and support with people who have been, are currently or thinking of being on it.