What is advantage of keeping diary private?



  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    BARBnKS wrote: »
    I have noticed that some people keep their food diaries private & curious if there is an advantage to doing so? Personally I keep mine open so that it might help others to get ideas for different types of food to eat to help them stay within their calorie goal. Sometimes I go over but I think I'd be worse about eating more than I should if I didn't know people were noticing what I eat.

    I have mine to friends only. Not that I care if other people see what I eat, but it would annoy me to get unsolicited advice. So, I minimize the chance.

  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    edited November 2014
    Had one smug individual come up a few years ago, when I first got started and was still trying to learn how all this really works. His exact quote will stay with me forever. "Well, no wonder your (sic) not losing at a decent pace. I hope that ice cream was worth it!" I even remember the grammatical error. LOL I deleted him and refused to add friends for like two years, it got my goat so bad.

    Now that's crappy. Sorry you had to experience that.

    I personally don't care about keeping mine open. If someone has something negative to say, I'll hear them out. If it's something I know I can disprove, I'll have no problem doing so. Been there done that. Lost over 120 lbs doing this without any knowledge and recently lost 20 lbs in 8 wks eating what I want in moderation. Come at me.
  • Daphnerose86
    Daphnerose86 Posts: 77 Member
    Mine is private. I thought I would eventually change it over to open at some point but I don't think I will anymore. In the beginning when I was trying to figure out nutritional values of everything and trying different foods and healthier options- I wasn't ready for anyone to critique me or judge me. Now I've kept it private because in the end this is my journey and I don't want to feel pressure from anyone to eat differently. (Not that all the response would be negative but I don't want advice unless I ask for it) I don't worry about skimming on the logging if I go over my calorie goal just to keep face. My logging is true to my knowledge. If anyone has questions about what I'm eating they are definitely welcome to ask me.
    Some people feel the opposite and feel it keeps them accountable to keep it open because someone could see it.
    I do read my friends diaries from time to time just to see how they eat compared to me. I never comment on it though. I appreciate their sharing and would never want them to become selfconscious about it. Losing weight and being healthy are hard enough I think to have to hear it from everyone else that you're doing it wrong.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    edited November 2014
    It sounds silly, but keeping it to myself keeps me honest. I haven't had too many problems with unsolicited criticisms, but the fear of it would cause me leave things out of it from time to time.
  • WildOkapi
    I leave mine private because I see no reason why internet strangers need to see my logging. If I screw up, I'm well aware of it.
  • focusedonfitness2015
    Tired of the judgements. I put everything in my diary. I get tired of being judged by the holier than thou MFP Gods who only eat the finest, freshest, most heavenly organic foods around. If I like it and it fits in my day...I'm gonna eat it. No ones business. I wouldnt have reached my goal by cheating
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    Mine is just for me. It's a mess, but it makes sense to me. Since I calorie cycle naturally, I don't want people seeing that some days yes I do only eat 800 calories (gasp!) and judging me for that. Or seeing that the next day I had 2300 and asking me if I enjoyed that triple serving of ice cream. I eat when I'm hungry, bank my calories if I'm not, and it all comes out in the wash at the end of the week. If I stall out I might try a "conventional" diet and open my diary for suggestions then, but other than that it's my business and mine alone. Good for you for thinking about others though and keeping yours open! Some people need to see that from others and it helps them.

    I also cycle diet 5:2 alternate day fasting protocol...only 500 cals on those two days, and maintenance on the other 5. But i keep mine open. IDGAF what people think, and most of my friends understand what my gig is by now...when I get a new 'friend' I have to explain it all over again, but it's a learning tool for them. Different things work for different people. But I COMPLETELY understand why you keep it closed!!! :smiley:
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    I keep mine private because I feel like what I eat is my own business...not saying my diet is poor...it's actually good (for once) but I don't feel comfortable having strangers on the internet analyze what I consume and in what quantities...that is between me and my doctor
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    The advantage is that it prevents other people from seeing it.
  • 808Trish808
    808Trish808 Posts: 122 Member
    Upon reading all of your posts, it's sad to know that there are people in here that judge what you eat or what and how you are doing things. Basically we are supposed to be helping and motivating not judging one another.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Two words. Food Nazis.
  • abcmommyx3
    abcmommyx3 Posts: 123 Member
    Because when I had it open during my last attempt some snide person that I did not even know messaged me telling me everything that I was doing wrong. Eating too little one day and too much another. ridiculing me because I had a small slice of chocolate cake... it was my birthday dammit.
  • NofatdaddyMike
    NofatdaddyMike Posts: 574 Member
    I set mine to private to avoid any people commenting on my potato chips or beer that I might log. I eat what I like if it fits into my calorie goal. I work out to add extra food calories if I desire. Most days I am under my goal and what I am doing works for me. The day that I go over, I usually make up for it the next day. What works for me, may not work for someone else and I don't want the drama of people telling me I should do this or I should do that. It works the way I am doing it. Just be happy that I am under my calorie goal, whatever that is.
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    I keep mine open to stress people out, give food ideas, and to show that you don't have to be perfect or eat clean to get results. Calories in vs calories out.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I keep mine closed because I'm tall, I train hard, and I have a relatively high calorie goal compared to many of the people I've met on MFP. I have never, not once, had anyone comment negatively on my diary, but even a "great job!" gave me the willies because I didn't like the idea of other people looking through what I'd eaten that day. I also agree with those who say it actually keeps you MORE honest because you don't have anyone to impress. And I turned off the notification that tells my friends list whether or not I was under for the day. And I've still done ok :shrug:
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Mine is open to my friends, as we like to get ideas from each other.
  • marinabreeze
    marinabreeze Posts: 141 Member
    My diary is closed because I already have accountability outside of MFP from people who care about me and know my lifestyle. I am also starting slowly - working on keeping within goal first and learning about the foods I eat currently before cutting down on processed foods, so on and so forth. I don't need random people commenting on what they think I'm doing wrong just because I'm not "there" yet (but still losing nevertheless). Besides, tracking is a tool for ME only to know what I am eating and what I need to change if I am not getting the desired results, and I feel I can be more honest if I don't have an audience.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    I keep mine closed because of an experience I was part of with a friend of mine being bullied by another friend of theirs, I seen first hand how your so called friends, can be really annoying and to the point of being hurtful to this person. I ended getting pissed at the situation and told the bullier so. They posted earlier on this thread how they keep their diary open and how there are so many advantages to having an open diary. Not with having a friend like that.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Mine is set to private, but I have a key that can be given to someone who I want to be able to look at it.

    I set up my diary to track a whole lot more than my food intake With that, there is a lot of personal medical type stuff that's part of the entries I make. So ... it's very private and it's for my my own purposes. I do share it with my doctor ... just print it out.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    nobody scolds 'em, i guess.