how do I tell or make myself NOT HUNGRY



  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    I used to eat until my stomach hurt. It wasn't because I was hungry though. It was because food tasted so good and I wanted more. I've mostly solved it by a) making only a serving size for dinner (can't over indulge if it's not there) b) tell myself I can have more tomorrow (or the next meal) c) put the extra in the freezer so I can't eat binge eat it (I do this with snacky foods)
  • marywalsh3718
    marywalsh3718 Posts: 18 Member
    Good luck to you! You can DO it!!!
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Just keep telling yourself, "Hunger is not an emergency. Hunger is not an emergency." It really does help. You won't die. You will eat again. Hunger is not an emergency.
  • kyta32
    kyta32 Posts: 670 Member
    Welcome to MFP :D . Good for you for making healthy choices in your life.

    Hunger is my biggest fear when dieting. Hunger is one of the biggest reason for people breaking their diets. Fortunately, I've found that hunger has not really been a big problem this time, and I've lost 75 pounds (half-way there), 20 of which before joining MFP. This is what has helped me:

    Find out why your hunger is hard for you. Was there a time when you felt hungry and helpless in your life? Feel your emotions and write them out. Hunger is a normal feeling that we all experience. Hunger does not mean we are failing in our diet. We can experience hunger while exercising, eating healthily, and move through it. The hunger is temporary, and with time you will get better at tolerating it when you must. That being said, you probably will not be hungry through your weight loss journey, and there are ways to reduce hunger in a calorie deficit.

    Exercise has been my biggest helper with hunger. Exercise will temporarily suppress hunger. Exercise will help you to see where weight loss is making your life better instead of just making your body less. As you lose weight, you will be able to breathe deeper, jump higher, bend deeper, and move longer. You will have more energy to keep up with family, friends, jobs, and hobbies. If you have already done your workout for the day and need a break from hunger, doing yardwork or housework, going for a walk, or shopping can effectively quell the cravings (don't depend on T.V. for distraction. There are way too many resturaunt commercials on T.V. :\ ) Exercise will burn fat, and the ketones from fat burning keep you less hungry throughout the day.

    You will get less hungry as your body adapts to a calorie deficit. I find it only took a few days when I started dieting to feel more full with less. The hunger returns the day after "cheat days" (i.e. family events, birthdays, celebrations), but again just hold out for 15min, an hour, 2 hours, until your body wises up and gets back with the program. It should only take a few days (for me often 1). I have a hard time with this, but I find having the occasional day (up to once a week) with a higher calorie intake (up to total daily energy expenditure) does not have a long-term impact on my weight loss. I try to embrace eating cake, and my daughters home cooking. and celebrate with my family, instead of worrying about the calories.

    Live with the hunger a little. Have some water, and wait ten minutes. Go for a walk, or take a 5 minute stretch break, and see how you feel. This may cause the craving to go away. Eat the same meal that made you feel too full, but 50 - 100 calories of it less. Wait a little while after eating the planned meal, to give the food a chance to deal with the craving, before eating more. Try to stretch your wait to 2 hours, for the next planned meal/snack. Learn what time of day you are most hungry, and try to plan your more satisfying meals/snacks for then. Don't go too long between meals/snacks during the day. Being too hungry can cause you to overeat and feel uncomfortable later. Aim to eat about every 2 hours during your hungriest times. Mine are before 6 in the evening. Make your meals smaller so you have enough calories for snacks.

    Eat your exercise calories. This will be about 1/2 of what MFP calculates for you. You won't be hungry right after exercising, but try to be able to have a snack/meal with protein when you are done your workout to replenish your muscles, even if it is just 50 calories.

    Look at eating foods that are higher in fibre and water content, for more volume with fewer calories (i.e. home-made vegetable soup with lentils, salad with a teaspoon of sunflower seeds and a squeeze of lemon instead of dressing). Eat this before trying a more nutrient dense snack to kill the cravings.

    Make sure you get enough sleep at night. Being tired can make you crave sugar for the energy to keep going.

    Try including more dairy. Eating more yogurt was found to help weight loss in a Harvard study. I find yogurt to be one of the foods that make me feel full with less. Including fruit and dairy in your diet can also improve your waist-hip ratio.

    When you are craving sweet, try raw fruit instead of processed foods/pop. Fructose is slightly more filling than sucrose in the same amounts, and the fibre, vitamins, and protein will make you feel more satisfied.

    Avoid foods that have been made low/0% fat (i..e. dairy, nut butters) as manufacturers often add sugar to them (which makes people hungrier), and a little fat is more satisfying. Don't try to eat too low fat (i.e. under 30 g/day).

    Make sure you have enough protein in your diet. There are calculators online that help you figure out your lean body weight. The amount MFP calculates for you may be too low, especially if you are really active. Try to always have some protein whenever you eat a carbohydrate (i.e. adding seeds/nuts to a salad). Protein slows digestion, prevents blood glucose from spiking, and makes you feel more satisfied with what you eat. I have a hard time getting getting enough protein, so I mix some flavored whey protein powder with Greek yogurt for a 20+ g boost. Protein powder isolate can put you in ketosis, which suppresses hunger.

    Take some time to be really aware of how you feel as you eat, and enjoy your snack/meal.

    Check to make sure you are getting enough nutrients (i.e. calcium, iron) in the reports tab. I find taking a vitamin/mineral supplement helps with food cravings and reducing delayed onset muscle soreness from activity.

    Try to eat home-made vrs processed food more often. This gives you more control over what has been added (sugars, preservatives, and weird chemicals) and what has been taken out (fibre, nutrients) of your food, leaving you with more satisfaction.

    If you find you are really stuck, your doctor is your best resource to make sure nothing medical is getting in your way (i.e. PCOS, hypothyroid, dysmorphia).

    O.K., this is a really long reply (sorry). I find dieting is something you get better at, and more informed about, the more you do it. Try one or two changes at a time, and give yourself a month between changes before trying something new. What works for you is something you discover for yourself during your journey. Good luck :)
  • wilgeno
    wilgeno Posts: 1 Member
    I find smoking a cigar always helps reduce my appetite. :D
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    What are you eating? I find that if I tweak WHAT I eat, I'm much less hungry. more fiber rich vegetables, more fat, fewer refined grains and sugars. YMMV
  • TropicalParaMonster
    TropicalParaMonster Posts: 151 Member
    edited November 2014
    • Change your eating habits. Your body CRAVES sugars, carbs, fats when they're continuously administered (especially the sugar), It activates dopamine in the brain which is a reward center. Cold turkey is the best way to go in my opinion. It's hard for the first few days but trust me you won't feel it after.
    • Acupuncture spots are all over our body. Please youtube acupuncture for weight loss. They'll show you videos of specific areas. Idk it helps me often whether its for pain or to stop cravings.

    In my eyes this is an internal battle. It's mind over matter. If it matters, you'll try to change your mindset. Don't fit it, just embrace it. A lot of us often eat because we're just bored! Keep yourself occupied when the urge comes. Read up on weight loss stories, motivate yourself. We're here for you!
  • focus135
    fansonly wrote: »
    Stomachs actually don't shink.

    Hormones make you hungry. Insulin & leptin resistance are strongly associated with a lot of abdominal fat. Google leptin resistance and see if it sounds like you.

    I fixed mine by fasting, which was super hard. Once things got regulated though, my hunger became much more manageable.
    fansonly wrote: »
    Stomachs actually don't shink.

    Hormones make you hungry. Insulin & leptin resistance are strongly associated with a lot of abdominal fat. Google leptin resistance and see if it sounds like you.

    I fixed mine by fasting, which was super hard. Once things got regulated though, my hunger became much more manageable.
  • focus135
    I am so glad someone addressed the science behind why some are always hungry. Start by getting your hormones checked. If you have PCOS or thyroid issues, you need to address that. Second check your leptin levels as well. But I am guessing that you are just addicted to suger. The more suger you consume the more you want to eat. Remember suger is not just in cake. So you really NEED to fast so you can feel hunger and develop discipline. Anyone here that tells you otherwise is just suger coating it for you.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    sllm1 wrote: »
    Just keep telling yourself, "Hunger is not an emergency. Hunger is not an emergency." It really does help. You won't die. You will eat again. Hunger is not an emergency.

    I really like this! Thanks!