Goal Weight

HealthyKt78 Posts: 439
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm having trouble with picking a goal weight. At first I was thinking 150 but I know I won't be as toned and thin as I want to be. Then I thought well maybe 140 but my sister, who is as tall as I am, weighs 140 and isn't as thin or toned as I want to be (she's working on exercising more too. I know I don't want to be below 125 and I don't want to be more than 145 but I feel like I need to pick one. I know if I get to 140 and still feel like it isn't enough I can do more but I still would like to pick a goal. I'm probably getting too far ahead of myself but I like to have numerical goals.


  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Maybe you'd rather have a body fat % goal than a weight goal? After my first baby, I got down to 132 lbs (I'm 5'5"), but my weight goal was 125. I started strength training and stayed the same weight, but went down another size. My body fat went from 19% to 17%, so that made all the difference. At that point I was comfortable in a swimsuit, which was really what I was shooting for with my goal weight anyways.
  • ashasm
    ashasm Posts: 35
    Go for 10 at a time -- everybody carries their weight differently! I'm 200, and nobody thought I weighed that much, and I said I want to lose 50 pounds, but then my friends told me they would think I'de be too skinny, but I think it sounds just right! At 150 I'de still be 5 pounds overweight because I'm 5'4!

    So, take it one step at a time, and do toning exercises too ;-)
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I'm like you. I don't know for sure what my goal weight should be. But that's because I haven't been under 176 since I passed it on the way up as a kid. :embarassed: But, for now I'm working for 155, then I'll see when I get there how much farther I want to go - if any. Just reach your current goal, then re-adjust as needed. :smile:
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    I aimed at a clothing size at first.... I wanted to be in a size 10.

    Then I picked the top weight that was in the "healthy" category of BMI for my height (150 for someone 5'5")

    Just so happened that when I hit 150 I was wearing a size 10! :tongue:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Depends on your height and your bone structure. I say go for the high end of your BMI
    and then adjust if you feel it necessary. Celebrate successes along the way! :blushing:
  • HealthyKt78
    HealthyKt78 Posts: 439
    I set it for 155 which I know I can do and then I'll reassess once I get there. I set my mini goals. I'm probably expecting to lose too fast but I have a lot to lose so if I can just meet the first few of my goals I'll be happy with the process taking longer.
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    i am 5 9 and was set 154 by a dietician with a computer that read all my vitals and body fat--i was 80 kgs when i saw her and i think 27pc body fat, she set the target from her personal knowledge and i think it is to hit a satisfactory fat level--she didnt speak English so it was difficult to get detail--when i hit my goal i will go back with a translator!

    i was at my goal weight about 7 years ago and i have to admit i am no where near as well toned now as i was then--condition like that goes with the passing of years i am afraid--my next aim is to acheive more muscle with hopefully the help of this site
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