What is the most interesting "compliment" you have received from friends?



  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    I came back from a run in spandex once, and my aunt was like "Wow when you've been running a lot you really bulk up!" Um WHAT. My BMI was like 19.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I have had people not recognize me, which I love. It's probably not from the weight - I lost about 30 lb. But i've changed my hairstyle, had cosmetic work - I believe it's mostly the hairstyle, but the facial stuff makes me look way less tired.

  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    shadowloss wrote: »
    I know I'm going to get slammed and I probably deserve it, but I just have to point out a pet peeve of mine since I've seen it come up in a couple of the comments above.

    If someone gives you a compliment, DO NOT turn it around to think the worst of the person! My wife does it and I had to call her out on it the other day. Just STOP PEOPLE.

    "You are looking great" - Oh so I must have looked hideous before.
    "You look like you've lost a lot of weight" - Oh I must have looked like a slob before.
    "Your butt is getting really firm" - So are you saying I had a fat *kitten* before. (Personal).

    These are the most narsasistic responses I can think of. It's hard enough for people to know when it's appropriate to comment without offending and when people come back with these types of retorts, it makes giving compliments that much more difficult.

    I get it, some compliments can be back handed and even offensive, but don't turn them into something negative, when they are really just meant as a compliment.

    Sorry for my rant, but if we can all accept the positive more often and not assume there is some negative hidden agenda, we would all be much happier.

    Stepping off my soap box now.

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    shadowloss wrote: »
    I know I'm going to get slammed and I probably deserve it, but I just have to point out a pet peeve of mine since I've seen it come up in a couple of the comments above.

    If someone gives you a compliment, DO NOT turn it around to think the worst of the person! My wife does it and I had to call her out on it the other day. Just STOP PEOPLE.

    "You are looking great" - Oh so I must have looked hideous before.
    "You look like you've lost a lot of weight" - Oh I must have looked like a slob before.
    "Your butt is getting really firm" - So are you saying I had a fat *kitten* before. (Personal).

    These are the most narsasistic responses I can think of. It's hard enough for people to know when it's appropriate to comment without offending and when people come back with these types of retorts, it makes giving compliments that much more difficult.

    I get it, some compliments can be back handed and even offensive, but don't turn them into something negative, when they are really just meant as a compliment.

    Sorry for my rant, but if we can all accept the positive more often and not assume there is some negative hidden agenda, we would all be much happier.

    Stepping off my soap box now.

    I completely agree with you. I don't think this is a rant or a "soap box" moment. I think you are exactly right. Thank you!
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    amo314 wrote: »
    Someone whom I hadn't see in a while said "Wow, you've lost like what...1000 lbs?" Then she kind of realized what she said and stumbled over it saying how cute I look, but that I was always cute so I let her off the hook and said that I knew what she meant. Others tell me that I look skinny or call me skinny minny. I am definitely not skinny, still considered overweight but thinner then I was, but it's still weird.

    I've got a coworker with an extremely dry wit and deadpan delivery. She walked up to me a couple of months ago and said, "So, what've you lost like a hundred and fifty pounds or something." Coming from anyone else I would have been offended (sorry Shadowloss) but I just laughed and told her how much I'd actually lost. She's a lot like that girl from Park & Rec.

  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    Meh, I'm a below average looking guy. I don't get compliments.
    I like your wig.
  • Laurochka
    Laurochka Posts: 140 Member
    My workmate recently said I had "moxie" , I LOVED this :)
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    knitapeace wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    Meh, I'm a below average looking guy. I don't get compliments.
    I like your wig.
    And I'd say given the other pictures on your profile you seem to have quite the personality!
  • alienbabyjen
    alienbabyjen Posts: 36 Member
    Co-worker said to me last week that I "eat like a gerbil." I said I would eat a freakin gerbil, if it was cooked. Not raw.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    "Did you lose weight on purpose?" Not sure what was really meant by that.

    The compliments from co-workers about my maintaining my weight loss - no I am still losing, I have not reached goal yet.
  • Keevy333
    Keevy333 Posts: 32 Member
    Oh man! I got a pretty awful one from my mother in law!
    It was towards the beginning and I had lost about 30-40 pounds at that point. She looked at me and said "Wow. Your diet and exercise is really starting to show. Instead of having one big front area (motioning from the top of her chest to her hips) you now have boobs and then a belly!"
    I am still annoyed by that one! :|
  • DrWhoIsYerDad
    DrWhoIsYerDad Posts: 263 Member
    "You look like Clark Kent"
  • LabAgility
    LabAgility Posts: 120 Member
    My favorite:

    "You don't sweat much for a fat girl."

    Seriously made me laugh; best backhanded compliment ever. Yes.... Fat but decently fit at the time cleaning stalls, working cows, loping horses, giving lessons and team roping.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Mine wasn't a compliment, but I took it as one. I recently ran into a friend that I hadn't seen in the past 6 months or so (so, I was 58 pounds lighter). He walked right by me, didn't recognize me at all. It was sort of awesome.
  • JazzFischer1989
    JazzFischer1989 Posts: 531 Member
    edited November 2014
    Oh I have a really good one, happened about two weeks ago.

    Just for some background, I look fairly young for my age, I'm short, and when I wear loose fitting clothing, you can't really tell that I have a "womanly" figure, I look very skinny.

    I was having coffee with this guy who turned out to be a creep and I sht you not, he says, "You look amazing. You have a body like a 13 year old and it's kind of a turn on for me." I didn't know what to say, other than "We're in the middle of Starbucks!!" Haven't spoken to him since.
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    My two SIL's go walking etc to lose weight. They never lose weight. They show up at the walking track with latte's and a pastry for breakfast.

    One of them looked me up and down real catty and asked me the other day "you trying to lose MORE weight?". Lol ... jealousy's a curse.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I am just starting so you can't really tell, but one woman I know noticed I have lost weight and asked how. I told her I've been counting calories. She asked about exercise and I haven't made that a habit yet. I know she goes to the gym regularly and wants to lose weight. She kept asking about exercise and I said I do some walking. I am not sure if I was expected to compliment her back. I am socially inept. Not an interesting compliment, but i didn't know what to make of it.