Always way over on sugar

My food diary is open.

I'm always way over on sugar, from a variety of sources, lactose, added sugar, fructose. And cumulatively it can be 100-120g day

I'm not diabetic but I've been reading on diabetic forums that all types of sugars affect them pretty much the same way. Especially lactose. It doesn't seem to be a widely covered subject.

Any real world science out there about it?

No bro / girl science + so and so told me, please.


  • meryl135
    meryl135 Posts: 321 Member
    This issue is not simply about sugar, in whatever form it takes. The majority of all different types of sugar, are transformed to glucose for transport in the blood and affect insulin release and response in some way.

    Fructose is mostly metabolised in the liver, which means it increases triglyceride (fat) production and (in high amounts) may contribute to weight gain (because it suppresses insulin release). Read more here:

    Lactose is rapidly split into its component parts: glucose and galactose. Galactose is then quickly converted to glucose (a more stable form).

    For the purposed of weight loss, and staving off inflammatory disorders (like diabetes) you would do better to educate yourself on glycemic index (GI - how quickly and how much a food raises blood sugar levels after ingesting it) and glycemic load (GL - takes into account both the amount of carbohydrate in the food, and its impact on blood sugar levels; so basically GL = [GI x amount of carbs in the food]).

    This is a good place to start:

    BTW, I am a naturopathic physician with a special interest in weight loss and metabolic disorder. Sugar and specifically blood-glucose control is my main focus when treating overweight or obese individuals.
  • keithmustloseweight
    Thanks mate I will have a read of those
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Look the issue on sugar has been totally blown out of the water and me stupid and nonsense by thinking about it in the way a diabetic thinks about it.

    If you are not diabetic you do not need to think about sugar in those terms. No i cannot rattle off the top of my head links and the link that you should read but i have read enough from a wide variety of sources to be confident of what i'msaying.

    When it comes to sugar, and non-diabetics the only sugar that matters is refined sugar and added sugar, and this would include honey. Because! these sugars make your food sweet, too sweet and make you want to eat more and more. Some people cannot control their intake of sugar.

    It is recommended ( i wish i could find the link) in a persuasive argument that people all people limit themselves to 6tsp of sugar per day or less. This is not the sugar as counted in the mfp sugar counter.

    What i suggest you and most people here do, if not all, is stop using the sugar counter and instead use the fibre counter. Fibre is so important and most people do not appreciate how important might their to their health/ill health and longevity.

    I have always thought fibre was good but it was only recently that i learnt just how good fibre is. So here look at this video Catalyst- Gut Reaction on your tube. iTs in two parts. And after you've watched that, look up wikipedia gut flora. And if you are interested and american you can find the american organisation that collects the poo samples of people and analyses their bacteria. Its fascinating and not enough people know about this stuff. I myself was gobsmacked that i new nothing about it. Yes i'd heard of probiotics but for some reason, it had never registered with me as something i needed to know more about. I guess it wasn't sold very well. Now i get it, though i don't go round buying probiotic products. I eat fibre as it comes in food because that's the most important way to increase good gut bacteria which is vital for health.

    And its fibre that can help you control your weight so well. Not restricting "sugar" as per the mfp calculator.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    If you're good health wise.... who cares. Sugar will not make you fat, despite what some idiots say on here.

    Unless you have medical issues with sugar intake, diagnosed from a medically licensed DOCTOR.... SUGAR ALL DAY LONG MANG!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    A few sugar toxins never hurt
  • rabbyduby
    rabbyduby Posts: 123 Member