Looking for friends to help me lose weight

Hey, I'm new on this site. I'm just trying to find a few friends who can help keep me motivated.

I have a huge target of at least 15KG (33lbs) to lose. It's day 2 and I'm already feeling light headed and wanting junk food :(

Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.

Good luck to you all whatever you're wanting to achieve.


  • I'm new here also, so if u want to add me ur more then welcome too.
    I found the first week was the worst for sugar cravings, but I found eating a sweet type fruit like strawberries or something like that helped with those cravings. Or even doing something else to keep my mind off it worked just as well.... (am also trying to give up smoking at the same time)
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Welcome! MFP is a great site to help you reach your goals. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Thanks ladies, I've added you both (I think?) :D
  • I'm new here also, so if u want to add me ur more then welcome too.
    I found the first week was the worst for sugar cravings, but I found eating a sweet type fruit like strawberries or something like that helped with those cravings. Or even doing something else to keep my mind off it worked just as well.... (am also trying to give up smoking at the same time)

    Wow to diet is hard enough but to give up smoking is a huge challenge, good for you - and best of luck with achieving your goal :smile:

  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    Lightheaded is not good. How many calories are you taking in?
  • feel free to add me:) it's not easy.. we have to get rid of out old habits (eating junk food) and make new ones (eating an apple instead:))
  • AliXerxes
    AliXerxes Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! Feel free to add me :smiley: I am not new here, but I am trying really hard to get back on track after gaining 15 pounds back (boo). I'd love another person to check in with. Accountability is key, I think.
  • lisa_fothergill1
    lisa_fothergill1 Posts: 6
    edited November 2014
    Lightheaded is not good. How many calories are you taking in?

    Hey so the light headedness has gone, only lasted a couple of days, I was well under my calorie intake (400-600 cals), but I'm now only just under, that seems to be doing the trick :)
  • Rich71bat
    Rich71bat Posts: 195 Member
    I've found I can eat reasonably as long as i exercise aswell.

    Feel free to add me
  • Hi there! My name is Patty andI am looking to lose a good bit of weight, but I think i am going to break it down into 10 pound chunks. then repeat as needed. lol. I would love to get away from soda and lose enough weight to get rid of some blood pressure meds. I know I can do it, because I did it between pregnancies, but i have just gotten flat out lazy. I would love to join your little group :)
  • feel free to add me!