newbie, love the app

'm a 38yr old mum of 4, who has tried losing weight on more then one occasion, but i have never stuck all the way thru. The last time I lost weight I managed to get from 90kg down to 68. Which I totally loved and was really hyped up and pleased about, then I got sick, so there went the gym and up went my weight, right back up to 84kg. In the past few weeks, I found out that I now have high cholesterol, borderline high blood pressure and borderline diabetic, so decided to start on the weight lose journey once again, this time its not just for my own benifit, but for my families as well, as I want to be around for them for many yrs yet, and as my Dr put it "ur a walking time bomb if u don't change now" so here I am making that change, in the 3 weeks before I found myfitnesspal I went down from 84kg down to 80kg, so that's the beginning to an awesome start. The reason why I decided to join myfitnesspal was because I got sick and tired of having to try and count how many calories were in the food that I was consuming and how many calories I had used up by exercising, the awesome thing about this app, is that it also let's u know how calories u Han's burned by doing the simplest of things like housework. In the next week or so am hoping to join the local gym, to help kick start the weight lose even further and also help to tone up those flabby muscles.