Losing 50lbs for my health & 50th Birthday Aug 11,2015

Hello my name is Angela Im 49 yrs. 5'3 weight 267lbs. I have a few health issues high blood pressure,Jan 5,2013 I had the scare of my life I was diagnosed with congestive heartfailure that has weaken my heart , My docotor felt it nessary for me to get a Difbulator so on May 31, 2013 I had Difbulator Implanted. Thank God that the Meds are working to keep my Blood Pressure down , my heart is doing good well it has not gotten worse. I want to lose weight to improve my health even more. Exercise is where im having the most trouble can't do any strenuous exercises any suggestions? I no walking is good. Help?


  • StraubreyR
    StraubreyR Posts: 631 Member
    You can lose just fine without exercise by just having a calorie deficit! If your doctor has cleared you for it, walking is a great exercise, since you can make the walks as slow and short as you need to start out. Once you start losing, you will find it easier and easier to do more. The most important thing is to be in it for the long haul. It takes time to adjust to healthy eating and exercise. Don't beat yourself up if you slip, just get back on track and keep going!
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    Hi there,
    Firstly if you need any friends please add me, i log in daily and my diary is open.
    You dont need to exercise to lose weight but as the other poster has said, walking is a great way, get yourself a cheap pedometer as this helps track your steps and can be a really good motivation tool, also some of them tell you how many cals you have burned etc. Swimming could be a good exercise too possibly, but speak to your doc.
    Ooh def take some pics of yourself now.... so you can see your progress every month, and take waist and thigh measurements as this will also help keep you on your healthy motivation journey, if the scales stay the same :) x