MFP and FitBit integration.

I ran into an odd situation last night with the FitBit integration with MFP and I'm trying to figure out how to work arond it.

Last night I had a fitbit calorie adjustment of 644 calories. I hopped on my stationary bike and did 30 minutes. Logged on to MFP and logged what turned out to be around 400 calories. What happened was my Fitbit adjusted calories went from 644 to about 244. Basically, because the MFP daily calories went up and my FitBit calories didn't (I don't use the fitbit on the bike so it doesn't log it as steps), MFP adjusted my daily burn down.

What I would like to do is continue to use my FitBit to tack my steps (I'm trying to walk more and more every day) but still get credit for my time on the bike to keep my numbers more accurate for tracking purposes.

Am I going to have to start tracking my step in MFP to make this happen?


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited November 2014
    Double check to make sure your Exercise Log transferred correctly to Fitbit.

    However, keep in mind, whatever you log here replaces what Fitbit thought you burned during that time period (including BMR). MFP exercise logs are not added on top of your Fitbit BMR calories, but instead of. Example:
    Notice that the Fitbit graph, didn't give me any calorie burn bars from about 8pm-8:30pm since I logged a 1 calorie burn on MFP.

    So if your BMR gives you 32 (this is based on my BMR, you could get more or less) calories in 30 mins, then Fitbit only ended up with an additional 368 calories for your workout on top of your BMR. Which is good if your using MFP estimated calorie burns, since MFP tends to overestimate a bit.

    So while MFP thinks you burned 400 more calories, Fitbit thinks 368 more calories. Because of the difference, you get a lower adjustment.