I don't know what Im doing wrong!



  • roz112
    roz112 Posts: 77 Member
    How long have you been at this weight, and how long have you been eating around the same amount? As people have said, you're at a pretty low weight for your height anyway so I certainly wouldn't stress about losing more, and that'll be why you're not losing, because you don't need to. Your body is probably happy at that weight and doesn't want to go lower.

    Looking at your one day, I'd worked that out to be about 1200 calories (obviously I didn't know amounts, but based on a serving size I'd probably have) which is still quite low, but that's just one day.

    I suggest aiming for around 1500 calories, and using a food scale to be accurate, and doing some strength training. I also wouldn't focus on lowering your weight any more.

    And i would say for the past 4-5 years my eating has been pretty much the same.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    roz112 wrote: »
    How long have you been at this weight, and how long have you been eating around the same amount? As people have said, you're at a pretty low weight for your height anyway so I certainly wouldn't stress about losing more, and that'll be why you're not losing, because you don't need to. Your body is probably happy at that weight and doesn't want to go lower.

    Looking at your one day, I'd worked that out to be about 1200 calories (obviously I didn't know amounts, but based on a serving size I'd probably have) which is still quite low, but that's just one day.

    I suggest aiming for around 1500 calories, and using a food scale to be accurate, and doing some strength training. I also wouldn't focus on lowering your weight any more.

    And i would say for the past 4-5 years my eating has been pretty much the same.

    I guess your body is used to what you eat then by now. Did you say you're 22? So you were really skinny before and you've become marginally less skinny in your 20s. I think that's normal. I wouldn't worry unless you really start piling on pounds, which I think is unlikely, and at your weight and with what you eat, I honestly don't think you need to start weighing your slices of bread or protein bars!

    I would try and aim for higher calories though. I did the whole not eating enough thing in my early 20s and then gained weight when I started eating normally. It was only when I joined MFP after my 2nd child, age 34, that I realised that I could eat more and lose weight, and it's made a big difference.
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    At 5"8 and 127 lbs: Even if you have underestimated your kcal intake by inaccurate logging, your body will fight you tooth and nails to loose anymore weight. Chances are that if you manage to loose more weight on scales, you don't really know if that's loss of LBM or shrinking fat cells or just normal water fluctuations.

    This is probably not the answer you want to hear, but from a physical and medical perspective you're bordering into unhealthy weight. Ask yourself: "Is that really what I want?" And "what it's gonna cost me: mentally, physically, economically, in energy and focus?"

    I understand your subjective perception of being bottom heavy. I've had a mother who constantly projects her fears about weight onto my sister and me. Sometimes it can be hard to remind myself that negative self contemptuous talk is actually her "voice" talking to me rather than my own voice and opinion. So ask yourself, where does this opinion of you being "too fat" come from.

    No-one can heal that subjective perception of yourself. You gotta work through that yourself.

    Good luck:)
  • scrittrice
    scrittrice Posts: 345 Member
    roz112 wrote: »
    How long have you been at this weight, and how long have you been eating around the same amount? As people have said, you're at a pretty low weight for your height anyway so I certainly wouldn't stress about losing more, and that'll be why you're not losing, because you don't need to. Your body is probably happy at that weight and doesn't want to go lower.

    Looking at your one day, I'd worked that out to be about 1200 calories (obviously I didn't know amounts, but based on a serving size I'd probably have) which is still quite low, but that's just one day.

    I suggest aiming for around 1500 calories, and using a food scale to be accurate, and doing some strength training. I also wouldn't focus on lowering your weight any more.

    And i would say for the past 4-5 years my eating has been pretty much the same.

    That right there is your problem--you're guessing about everything. Also, I am almost 30 years older than you are, the same height, and about the same weight (and I make sure not to go any lower) and I maintain on close to 2,000 calories a day before exercise (and I eat back every last exercise calorie and any calories my FitBit gives me).

    I third, fourth, and fifth the suggestion to pick up some weights and to eat more, or at least to figure out how much you're eating for a start.