Ten days in....but those damn scales!

I'm new here and I've posted my food and water for 10 days straight. Yeah for me!

Unfortunately, I'm one of the those people who freak out over scales. I know this about myself so I don't even own one. But I heard the lady down the hall at work has some in her office. So, silly me, I weighed on those scales when I started logging my food instead of using my doctor's very recent weigh-in amount. Then, I waltzed down the hall today and found I'd *only* lost 1 pound. Never mind that my goal is to lose 1 pound a week! It still makes me crazy and I feel anxious & depressed over it. What in the world would I expect, a 10 pound loss???? I saw evidence of meeting my goal but it still makes me nuts.

So, I'm saying this "out loud" to everyone here. I will not weigh again until I see my doctor again in January. Food and weight are health issues for me and I'll let my doctor record my weight indicators along with my blood test results every two months. I'll keep recording my food. And I'll work at increasing vegetable/fruit consumption and my movement/exercise. All will be fine, I'm sure of it.

Now where are my anxiety meds?


  • karenelliott1908
    Tee-hee I am addicted to my scales but it doesn't rule my mood ... Only my life!
    Be proud of yourself for actually taking control over what you put in your body and be patient, it will pay off. :smile:
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 562 Member
    We can all get so hung up on numbers. Take some measurements too. Sometimes those change faster than the scale. And breathe! :smile: Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • Angurla
    Angurla Posts: 159 Member
    I am a recovering scale stalker. I feel your pain ;)
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    I have wondered if those bodyfat scales show consistent weekly changes, even if the pounds remain the same week after week. That at least would help with motivation. I'm about to toss out my regular scales.