Hi.. New kid on the block here..

I just want to say Hi.. Im a newbie here. I want to tell you that... although Im a newbie with a new plan of action.. I at one time weighed 325... on my short frame of 5'5".. not good I know. I dont know how it snuk up so fast on me but it did. I was that weight 2009.. I began making simple changes and in less than a year I lost almost a 85lbs of it... unfortunately the lbs found their way back, thankfully I put a stop to it before it got back up there. but its been a hard struggle. GYM, food... everything seems to be a battle.. i know many are like me that feel like all you have to do is breath and the weight piles on.. Sometimes I feel like my body is my enemy and betrays me often.. I try to outsmart it.. trick it.. but sometimes i think its smarter than me. Im on a new resolve. my new goal is to get under 200.lbs then later I will shoot for another 35lbs.


  • catneon
    catneon Posts: 911 Member
    Welcome! tons of information on here and lots of motivation and support!
    Add me if you'd like
  • You can do it! Add me if you'd like as well. :)
  • Heyyy welcome! This is my second day using myfitnesspal too!!!!! This is awesome you'll love it!!!