Desperate to make this work......

In the past month I have been asked twice if I am pregnant! I have had enough. I try to delicately say no and walk away but the hurtful nature of that question makes my heart bleed.

I am tired of this Rollar coaster.

So today is the day i make a promise to me, today I start to eat clean and make time for my treadmill a min of 4 or 5 days every week. Not for anyone else, not for my husband or for my kids. I want to do this for myself.

All my life I was small, petit until I had my second child when I was 34. Nothing went back to place after my loving boy joined our crazy family.

I am not looking for a coach or to be introduced to some shake. I am hoping to find encouragement and challenges and I hope, for myself, that when I hit a plateau or an off week that I do not walk away.

I am a Mom, a wife and i love my job/career so I need to schedule my treadmill time the same way I schedule my meetings.

I realize I am ranting now but I needed to promise myself publically that I am going to get fit and do so for myself. No distractions. So let's get started.


  • coueswhitetail
    coueswhitetail Posts: 309 Member
    Congratulations on making the comittment! I think that is more than half the battle! Things are so much easier to do if your mind is made up. Yes, do it for is so important to maximize your health and it's never too late to make it happen!
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    GOOD FOR YOU!!! NOW go out and get some...
  • DeannaLynnPerkins
    DeannaLynnPerkins Posts: 41 Member
    Good Luck!! It's not always easy, but it's definitely worth it. :-D I've been asked a couple of times if I'm pregnant again, and I see pictures where I definitely look like I am. It's not fun and it can hurt a lot, but sometimes it helps us drive forward!

    You said that you are planning to schedule your treadmill time like you schedule your meetings, I think this is a great idea! Don't feel like you HAVE to workout in the mornings. You can work out any time of the day as long as it's the time that a) works best for you and b) is when you have the most energy. I always workout at lunch or after work.

    I'm not sure what your job/career is, but if it's sitting behind a desk all day a few tips I have for you. 1) Look into doing a standing desk, or a version that you can adjust to stand and sit. I have a standing desk and I LOVE actually keeps me more engaged when I'm at work. 2) Try going for mini-break walks or go for walks at lunch. I will go for a 30-45 minute walk during lunch and give myself enough time to freshen up and eat lunch before needing to be back at work. One of my coworkers even makes a trip to the gym for a lunch class or to running on the treadmill during her lunch time.

    Another thing that helps me is my fitbit. Maybe look into a pedometer or fitbit type device. They really help keep you updated on how many steps you're really getting in a day. There are days that I just don't have the energy to do an intense workout, but if I can at least hit 10,000 steps I feel accomplished.

    Weight loss is 70% diet and 30% exercise, so definitely utilize this app/website to track your calories. When eating back your exercise calories, only eat back 1/2 of them. I've seen a lot of people talk about how the calories burned isn't always accurate and eating back 1/2 will ensure that you're not over eating. Try to watch your portions. It's hard when you have a husband and kids that you're feeding to stick to good portion control and healthier choices, but sometimes when you start doing it your family jumps on board and will support you by making healthier choices themselves. :-) On thing that helps me stay in check is to layout what I'm going to eat the next day. It helps me stay on track with my choices and gives me that, "Hey, you're can have your grapes and cheese now!" I tend to not make bad decisions or reach for the crappy food that's kept around the office.

    Ok, last think I can think of...invest in a good water bottle and some water flavor packets! You should try to drink at least 64 oz of water a day. I have a 32 oz water bottle, so I know I need to drink at least 2 of them each day to get my needed water. Sometimes plain old water is BORING so my husband and I also invest in water flavor packets to make the constant drinking funner. Water is much needed for your body and helps you flush out all the items that you need to get rid of. :-)

    Again, GOOD LUCK!!! Feel free to reach out if you ever want to chat or need some help staying motivated. It's not easy, but getting yourself surrounded by positive people who are working to make themselves healthier and happier really helps keep you on track!
  • bfergusonii
    bfergusonii Posts: 208 Member
    Congrats on making the commitment. You will have have up days and down days during your journey but remember it's a marathon and not a sprint. There will be days you will have to remind yourself that it's okay to not be perfect. Just be consistent and it will happen. You can do this.
  • dashaclaire
    dashaclaire Posts: 127 Member
    I also had that happen to me twice, people can be so insensitive:( but it pushed me here and now I've lost most of my belly! Feel free to friend me, I'm on here everyday... MFP is great the more you use it the more you'll want to!
  • I also had that happen to me twice, people can be so insensitive:( but it pushed me here and now I've lost most of my belly! Feel free to friend me, I'm on here everyday... MFP is great the more you use it the more you'll want to!

    How did you loose your belly??

  • BramageOMG
    BramageOMG Posts: 319 Member
    I made a commitment on June 14th to "get my *kitten* togehter"... Since then I have done what you outline and lost over 60lbs. I am now at maintain, and all it took was a commitment. It sounds like you have done exactly that! Now go forward and conquer!! GOOD LUCK!
  • BramageOMG
    BramageOMG Posts: 319 Member
    edited November 2014
    PS- Its easy to lose your belly: Just lose ALL OTHER BODY FAT YOU HAVE, and right after that, your belly will get flatter. That's just how it is (for me at least) :)

    Sorry its gross.. 3b8baf801dd7d152d45fc9d05483b278dab5.jpg
  • [quote="DeannaLynnPerkins;You said that you are planning to schedule your treadmill time like you schedule your meetings, I think this is a great idea! Don't feel like you HAVE to workout in the mornings. You can work out any time of the day as long as it's the time that a) works best for you and b) is when you have the most energy. I always workout at lunch or after work.

    I'm not sure what your job/career is, but if it's sitting behind a desk all day a few tips I have for you. 1) Look into doing a standing desk, or a version that you can adjust to stand and sit. I have a standing desk and I LOVE actually keeps me more engaged when I'm at work. 2) Try going for mini-break walks or go for walks at lunch.![/quote]

    My first attempt to MFP I did workout videos at home, in the morning before the house woke up. I loved it because I was not hearing "Mom" every two minutes. Recently I changed my careers and I start work now at 7am so getting up to work out means I have to wake up at 5. So my plan is 4pm every work day after I get home before I pick up my youngest from daycare.

    I was an HR Manager and now am a H&S Coordinator. I do sit behind a desk but I am also in my car, at job sites and running training programs. Definitely not a full time desk position.

    I am not sure if anyone else is from Ontario (Canada) but I am a wimp when it comes to our blistering cold weather and tend do avoid it at all costs. The only exception is when we take the dog for a walk.

  • RebelDiamond
    RebelDiamond Posts: 188 Member
    Having the right mind set is what it's all about! Keep picturing your goal and stay focused and you'll get there :smile:

    My tip: start with the treadmill until it becomes "too easy" and you get some "gym confidence" . Then incorporate some other stuff like group classes or yoga or personal training. (i
    From my experience, the treadmill can only get you so far but it's a great way to start! TREAD ON! :smiley:
  • DeannaLynnPerkins
    DeannaLynnPerkins Posts: 41 Member

    My first attempt to MFP I did workout videos at home, in the morning before the house woke up. I loved it because I was not hearing "Mom" every two minutes. Recently I changed my careers and I start work now at 7am so getting up to work out means I have to wake up at 5. So my plan is 4pm every work day after I get home before I pick up my youngest from daycare.

    I was an HR Manager and now am a H&S Coordinator. I do sit behind a desk but I am also in my car, at job sites and running training programs. Definitely not a full time desk position.

    I am not sure if anyone else is from Ontario (Canada) but I am a wimp when it comes to our blistering cold weather and tend do avoid it at all costs. The only exception is when we take the dog for a walk.

    Your job sounds like fun! I'd love to be out running around and not just sitting behind a desk, so at least you are slightly more active!

    I completely understand the wanting to work out when you don't have the kids saying "Mom" every two minutes! It gets very frustrating. I at least have a husband who will corral our daughter while I get a workout in...but it still isn't 100% full proof. :wink: I like the idea of working out before you pick your youngest up from day care, that is perfect! Then you can workout, pick him/her up and then have the rest of the night be dedicated to family time. :smile:

    Also, yeah...the walking outside in the blistering Canadian cold would make me a wimp too. Maybe save those lunch time walks until Spring/Summer. :smiley: