Ever Wonder If You're On The Right Track?

one9reasons Posts: 5
edited November 2014 in Health and Weight Loss
I am a 5'9", 43yo male that weighed in at a hefty 241 pounds 5-weeks ago.
My goal is not to become an IBFF competitor by any means, but I want to lose "fat" with minimal muscle loss. It wouldn't be a bad thing if the only part of a t-shirt I filled out was the arms! I lifted back in college but haven't touched weights since.

I calculated my BMR and decided to try a clean diet with a 500+ calorie deficit. However, I calculated my BMR based on my goal weight of 180-pounds. I've been tracking my caloric intake quite religiously and have come under the calculated recommendations for daily caloric intake. I chose to go with a 55% protein/20% fat/25% carb ratio.

I weighed myself this morning and came in at 229 pounds. My pants are feeling loose. My shirts are getting tighter in the "right" areas (shoulders and arms) and are feeling looser around the gut.

I was lifting about 5-days a week averaging 50-60 minutes of heavy lifting. I would cool down with a brisk 12-15 minute walk on the treadmill.

I supplement by diet with a (20g) protein shake 2X a day. I drink a gallon of water (with Glutamine) throughout each day, and am taking a Keto stack (to help increase CBR) at the recommended dosage. I am a big fan of liquid egg whites. FYI, my daily protein intake averages between 200-220g, carb averages 60-70g, and fat averages (40-50g)

I am taking this week off due to a nasty exertion headache I got last week. I saw a chiropractor this morning and she said that my scalene muscles are inflamed causing the lack of blood flow to the brain (adjustments being scheduled soon). I also realized I have some kind of allergic reaction (maybe hives) on my arms?! It's hasn't spread anywhere else. I get a little moody and catch myself snapping at people, but it's getting better. My trainer calls this the "carb flu."

Am I tracking in the right direction? I am trying to be patient, but I know someone out there knows exactly what I am going through and how I must be feeling.

Your words of wisdom would greatly be appreciated !!


  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    The "rash" is most likely a reaction to one of your supplements and is completely normal is you are taking things like glutamine and preworkouts. I sounds like you are doing amazing but I would suggest to increase your carbs to about 100, that will allow better workout performance and more energy throughout the day. You should never feel or be sick from a diet. All in all though keep up the great work buddy glad to see you heading in the right direction, if you ever have questions feel free to message me
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I'd stop seeking health advice from trainers and chiropractors and visit a doctor and a dietician.

    Doctors won't give you fun, fad diets and wacky health advice. Dietitians won't go insane on the subject of protein. But if you want to know the best way to go for health and nutrition, these are the people to ask.